IDL is:
• a pathway to waking up, lucid living, or enlightenment;
Video: What is Integral Deep Listening?
Goals for Personal Development
Goals for Professional Development
• a type of dream yoga:
What is an Integral dream yoga?
• a multi-perspectival and phenomenological methodology;
• a breakthrough way of finding and following your inner compass;
• a way to access, amplify, and become emerging potentials;
• an effective means of eliminating drama and the suffering it creates;
• an effective means of eliminating emotional, formal, and perceptual cognitive distortions;
Recognizing and Eliminating Your Cognitive Distortions
• a process for interviewing the personifications of any life issue; •an effective way to interpret any dream;
• a dream character interviewing process;
• a tool for eliminating any nightmare simply, effectively, and permanently.
How IDL Eliminates Nightmares
• a powerful and effective approach to meditation;
• a form of counseling;
Counseling Services
About Joseph Dillard
• an educational program leading to certification as an IDL Practitioner or Teacher.
Learning IDL
(Click on any of the above embedded links to access further information on the subject areas you are interested in.)