What does a Practitioner of Integral Deep Listening do?
IDL Practitioners provide in-person, phone, or Skype consultations to individuals, couples, families, groups, and organizational boards. These sessions generally last fifty minutes and consist of interviewing a dream character, feeling, or waking interpersonal conflict in the context of three ongoing life issues. A copy of the interview is given to the client. IDL interviews may also be conducted in the context of an ongoing professional practice such as medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, coaching, massage, hypnotherapy, aqua-wellness, psychotherapy, polarity therapy, Reiki, meditation training, therapeutic imagery, pastoral counseling, and financial counseling.
IDL Practitioners help their clients set up and maintain an Integral Life Practice that is based on supporting the implementation of the recommendations of high-scoring self-aspects. In this regard, IDL is a yoga in that it is a psychospiritual discipline. It is a dream yoga in that its purpose is awakening clients and their families out of self-created delusion by teaching them deep listening to those self-aspects that personify confidence, compassion, acceptance, wisdom, inner peace, and witnessing. To learn more about Dream Yoga go to www.DreamYoga.Com.
How Does One Become a Practitioner?
Training is presently offered in central Germany in Bad Sulza, near Weimar and Jena and via email/Skype. The European program consists of four four-day modules, spaced one each quarter to allow practice, application, and integration between trainings. It also includes two individual supervisory sessions. Students usually begin by experiencing a series of person-to-person or on-line consultations and reading the course texts or by attending a one-day intensive at various satellite locations, and then the next scheduled training module. One can start with any module. In addition, students sponsor at least one introductory workshop in their area, which a Practitioner conducts, in order to help build their practice.
To arrange introductory workshops in other locations enquire here.