What Students have to say about Integral Deep Listening
What Students have to say about Integral Deep Listening
“Integral Deep Listening helped me to get to know myself on a deeper level. It helped me to look at some issues in my life from higher perspective and enabled me to get in touch with the aspects of myself that I have been suppressing before. This way, I was able to find out what these aspects have to say to me. I have learnt, that I can work with the feeling which remains after a dream and that I can transform a negative post dream feeling into a positive one. I feel lot lighter now and feel like I have more energy. I found out that there are aspects of myself that know more then I have thought I know. The only thing it requires is to open up, listen and accept. It seems to me that this process has helped me to brake up some of my boundaries and I was able to find out that sometimes things can look very different than they really are.”
Eva, Czech Rebublic
“I want to thank you!
I have been in a terror attack 9 years ago, and since then I suffer from PTSD. For 8 years I had nightmares every night. Usually I had at least 4 or 5 nightmares per night. I hardly slept and I felt horrible. I read your Free- nightmare- E- Book. For 2 months I interviewed a dream every night. The nightmares stopped. Then for a while they would come back every few weeks, so I interviewed dreams only when I had a nightmare. In the past 4 months I had no nightmares at all! In fact I sleep well, have normal dreams, and wake up refreshed. After so many years of horrible nights, it feels like heaven! It’s just amazing
Terrorism Survivor, Israel.
“I wanted to say again how very much I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and insights so unselfishly. Integral Deep Listening really has had an incredible impact on my life. I have been going through a very intense and challenging personal situation. Thanks to my ability to access my dream group members I have been able to maintain my equilibrium. More importantly, I have been able to digest and assimilate the life lesson with ease and allow this experience to encourage personal growth in a new and more peaceful way. I wish I could effectively express my gratitude and my passion for this work. It is truly a life changing gift you are presenting to your students and clients…”
“Dr. Dillard – I think that you have developed one of the most fantastic programs, it never ceases to amaze me what comes out of people’s mouths. What a wonderful way to communicate with your higher self when you can’t find your way in this world. If only parents could learn this and work with their children – what a different world we would have.”
“My experience with IDL and Joe Dillard has been nothing short of amazing to me. It is impossible to relate all I have gained in the two years I have actively pursued this form of insightful work. But, to the point, I can share that this process has profoundly aided my recovery from debilitating anxiety and phobias.
Rather than seeking external counsel and all the “outside voices” ready to provide me with their version of a “cure,” I was able to tap into my own innate wisdom. And using that wisdom was far more helpful than I would dared to expect–far more helpful than previous long years in other therapies.
My sense is that because I was able to work so intimately and directly with my own mind–as opposed to mechanically working on my behavior or emotions alone–the therapeutic impact was integrated much more naturally, deeply, and fully. Even after two years, I am astounded by the increasing depth of information, accurate guidance, and the daily relevance to be found in my dream work. Unlike any encyclopedic approach or external interpretations, IDL is far more personalized and workable. I know I will continue to benefit from this approach for the rest of my life.”
“Toini and I have been working on our dreams with Joe for about four months and we have each worked with four or five dreams using this process. Each time we are amazed at how much depth and insight comes out of this process. The phone conversation takes bout 90 minutes in which we tell Joe our dreams and then pick out about six characters or objects, that represent some aspect of our selves, to interview. These six are then asked their views on the issues that we are dealing with in our daily lives at this time. Some of the dream objects that seem to have little meaning when we relate the dream in the beginning, often come up with a new view or insight regarding issues that we are dealing with. For example I had a dream that included inflatable rafts on a river. At the end of the session it became clear that they represented my tendency to only deal with some issues on the surface and not at a more meaningful and in depth manner.
This process is proving very helpful in enriching our marriage of 24 years as well as on individual issues. Joe is very good at helping us dig deeper and get meaning out of dreams that are initially rather obscure. His patient suggestions and questions help us to find meaning and guidance from dreams that come from our own inner sources.”
“Just a few days ago I had a life-changing dream which was a profound experience of touching and being touched by the mind of Gautama Buddha, revealing universal mind beyond all….. , that inner event has been powerful fuel for my meditation practice, deeply inspiring and encouraging, and a very valuable broadening counter-point to my mainly Christ-oriented spiritual practice. I know the dreamwork with (and support from) Joseph –which has often focused on some painful and difficult imagery– was important fertilizing/mulching of my soil for that precious seed to suddenly spring forth bearing such fruit. Wonderful transpersonal space and actualizing energy continuing to release; integral to the inner dialogue of dreamwork: listening, healing and acceptance of the many parts of me as I am changing.”
“I have been involved with IDL for about three months now, and I have found this work to be very effective, very powerful, and fun. I use the dream groups on an ongoing basis to deal with issues or questions that come up in my life. They offer me a greater perspective, and an excellent opportunity to really see where I stand on a given issue, as well as helpful advice towards resolution. Another benefit I have discovered is that rejected parts of myself can naturally, organically be acknowledged and accepted back into myself – similar to soul retrieval – so that I am more whole. And finally, using this method allows me to get in touch with my inner child, the imaginative, playful part of myself, so that life becomes lighter and more fun.
I highly recommend this work for anyone who find themselves with issues that nothing seems to get around, whether involving financial freedom, love, spiritual development, or physical health issues. The only requirement is that you are willing to listen to the healer, the therapist, the teacher within yourself and to confront your resistances to growth, honestly and lovingly. This is a way in which many other methods fall short. We use our own dreams, the voice of our own unconscious, to tap directly into our own inner wisdom, to our true core issues that we often can’t face any other way, and find the loving support of our own inner being.”
— GB
Dear Dr. Dillard:
First, I would like to express my gratitude for the time and dedication that you have invested to create, and evolve, such a unique and effective healing protocol for humanity.
To paraphrase Aubrey, “It’s not far-out, it’s in here.”
Secondly, thank you for beginning your journey at the age of 13, so that you would “collide” with me this weekend. It’s also interesting that we “grew-up” as neighbors … you in Arkansas, and me in Missouri.
For the past nine months I have been attending classes at SWHIA while establishing my vision of creating a new paradigm for the treatment of alcohol addiction. It’s about time, don’t you think?
Granted, the Hypnotherapy and the Life Coaching components that I have learned at SWIHA have proven to be very beneficial to my practice. This weekend was the first time that I have learned a tool that has the capacity to be a “jack hammer” and build a new foundation simultaneously. Very powerful.
Yes, I get it. Moreover, I would like to embellish and help you create more awareness around your work.
For now, I will simply apply what I have learned and report back to you with my experiences.
Thanks again, best regards,
J. Edgar Barnhill, III, C.Ht.
“I use your protocol often for myself and my husband and with others and this was just from the one class I got to take with you. It really is fun, and profound work and you’ve distilled it into an easy format. I like what Carla said to you in the class I took with you – ‘Thank you for sharing your life work with us! It is so very empowering to learn to access our own knowing and gain perspective.’
— Carla
My husband calls it Transformational Therapeutic Imagery because every time we’ve used it – it is truly transformational.”
— RC
I realized last evening (after our interview) that the little bit of stress I was still carrying around seemed gone.And there’s no arrogance as my ego would have me believe — only gratitude and peaceful joy. And then at bedtime, I relaxed in the darkness and explored to see if I could find it– the stress. It is gone! And I know that if I get it back I can go into the darkness and ask the tunnel to merge with me again. I am finally in peace!
BTW, I am a therapist and have worked for the past 20 years with adults who were repeatedly traumatized as children — just like me. My husband developed the type of individual and group therapy that we do and he is the author of the best selling Healing the Child Within. This book has been a best seller for over 20 years and is published in 11 different languages. So I have been steeped in this work ever since I left the NDE research world in 1990. I have enjoyed many mystical experiences since my original 2 NDEs, each one taking me closer to inner peace. This experience I had with you and the tunnel seems to cap off years of searching, working, praying and writing on this subject of healing from childhood trauma.
I believe that anyone who has had a mystical experience (The figures in the latest poll are 49% of the American Population) can benefit from your process.
Thank you Joseph!
Barbara Harris Whitfield
Thank you Joseph 🙂 I am energized just like I was after the first interview. Instead of being hidden and ashamed of myself. I’m delighted to know me in the ways I’ve been and no longer need.
Immediately after this interview/session, I knew I was turning ‘it’ over. I used to hear that in the ’80’s at Twelve Step meetings. In this interview I knew I did, turn ‘it’ over. Turning it over used to have varying degrees of comfort for me, this time, it was just done. I didn’t even know I was turning myself over to god, until after it was done! How beautiful to actually have ‘no worries’. No anticipation (no thinking negatively), no worries. The interviews keep me on track and away from unintentionally avoiding the nitty gritty. Thank you Joseph for being an instrument of Light that brings me to me. Cheryl
THANK YOU, Joseph. IDL has brought me safety in a way I have never experienced. Today I refrained from being easily distracted & worked with myself via our last interview & chapter 5 in the research. For me there is a beautiful ‘trickster’ medicine in IDL. ( I picked the coyote medicine card yesterday & today, a little cosmic humor!) I get to truths that my mind unintentionally never let me get to. By interviewing the aspects flower, owl, vortex, ball I am not diverted into anxiety & scrambling. I put together there is no danger now or in my future so no need for anxiety which also meant no need for defense mechanisms. I’ve known this in a psychological way, yet not an integrated way. Today once I put all this together I connected with the translucent love power I experienced in my NDE & cleared out the anxiety & my defenses: anger, dissociation, withdrawal, anxious sweet eating, excess food, projection, blame, judgement, criticism, rejection & being busy. This started with tracking with in to an internal program of, “if I feel love, I will be crucified.” Love & crucifixion were together in my subconscious. Consequently I was protecting against love for fear of crucifixion. What a relief these perceptions are gone. Thank you.
Throughout the years, I have tried numerous meditation techniques, but none of them worked for me until I experienced Joseph Dillard’s Integral (Deep Listening) Dream Yoga. He was using it as a tool for near-death experiencers, and I volunteered to join his group. I dialoged with an entity from my NDE, and wanted more because it was so effective. I got his book about healing from nightmares, and the protocol, and started working with the techniques, processing not only dreams, but also ailments and life experiences. I found that I could take any experience, even the crucible of the misery of shingles, and get the wisdom I got from my NDE session in another guise. By creating a scoring sheet from the elements of my dreams, sicknesses, frustrations, I have a tool I can use to stay positive. This technique allows me to transform my negative life experiences into their opposite, from the perspective of higher wisdom, and to reprogram my habitual thinking and feelings. It has been wonderful. I recommend Integral (Deep Listening) Dream Yoga very highly; it has the potential to change your life. Beverly
The interviews help me to get in touch with aspects of my higher, sacred self; the unvoiced, subconscious opinions of my ego self; and even integrating previously lost aspects of myself into my conscious awareness. I keep doing it because it has a powerful, beneficial effect on my life. By focusing on these other voices, I more easily shift my mood and make progress on important life goals. The scoring keeps me honest and causes me to ask myself what I am doing and thinking about frequently during the day. It allows me to focus on my purpose and beneficial activities, rather than repeating habitual patterns. Reading the interviews over before I go to sleep is like checking a map before traveling. It reorients my sleep, my dreams, and my mood in the morning.
I have been having some physical problems, which would usually bring down my mood, or even throw me into depression. Talking to my pain, itching, and insomnia allows me to reframe what is happening and helps me avoid my usual “why me?” reactions. I’ve tried various forms of meditation and affirmations for many years to help heal me and change my attitude. I have found Integral (Deep Listening) dream yoga to be the most consistent and successful process I have ever used to shift my life. I have used it to bring in the wisdom of my higher self, younger fragments, and the wonder of a new mind (baby consciousness) together; with amazing results! I would highly recommend doing this practice for anyone struggling with life issues.
THANK YOU, Joseph. IDL has brought me safety in a way I have never experienced. Today I refrained from being easily distracted & worked with myself via our last interview & chapter 5 in the research. For me there is a beautiful ‘trickster’ medicine in IDL. ( I picked the coyote medicine card yesterday & today, a little cosmic humor!) I get to truths that my mind unintentionally never let me get to. By interviewing the aspects flower, owl, vortex, ball I am not diverted into anxiety & scrambling. I put together there is no danger now or in my future so no need for anxiety which also meant no need for defense mechanisms. I’ve known this in a psychological way, yet not an integrated way. Today once I put all this together I connected with the translucent love power I experienced in my NDE & cleared out the anxiety & my defenses: anger, dissociation, withdrawal, anxious sweet eating, excess food, projection, blame, judgement, criticism, rejection & being busy. This started with tracking with in to an internal program of, “if I feel love, I will be crucified.” Love & crucifixion were together in my subconscious. Consequently I was protecting against love for fear of crucifixion. What a relief these perceptions are gone. Thank you. Cheryl
Thank you Joseph I am energized just like I was after the first interview. Instead of being hidden and ashamed of myself. I’m delighted to know me in the ways I’ve been and no longer need.
Immediately after this interview/session, I knew I was turning ‘it’ over. I used to hear that in the ’80′s at Twelve Step meetings. In this interview I knew I did, turn ‘it’ over. Turning it over used to have varying degrees of comfort for me, this time, it was just done. I didn’t even know I was turning myself over to god, until after it was done! How beautiful to actually have ‘no worries’. No anticipation (no thinking negatively), no worries. The interviews keep me on track and away from unintentionally avoiding the nitty gritty. Thank you Joseph for being an instrument of Light that brings me to me.
Joseph’s technique of using, in my case the flower, helped me get so much futher from mind/analysis & into experiencing the me that truly is. Instead of the ‘stuff’ that happened. Going to have more sessions. Glad there is a lesson in my experience for you too. Hats off to freedom from pain & rejections. Love, Cheryl
Joseph Dillard’s contribution to the research on NDEs is monumental. I’ve been in this research for years and nothing like this has ever come up until now. I invite any one who has had a mystical or spiritual experience to try this!
Barbara Whitfield