Developed by Murphey and Leonard and elaborated by Ken Wilber, an integral life practice addresses at minimum four core aspects of your life: body, mind, spirit, and shadow. In addition, Integral Deep Listening teaches its students to set five year, one year, six month, and one month goals in eleven life areas: exercise, nutrition, medical, recreation, love, sexuality, personal and spiritual development, continuing education, finances, and career development. But how do we know that our goals and our daily core practices are in alignment with our deepest and most central intentions? Don’t we simply assume that they are?
Integral Deep Listening does not make this assumption. It submits your goals to high scoring interviewed emerging potentials. They may support your current goals, encourage you to address them with a different emphasis, recommend slight alterations, or recommend major changes. In any case, you are provided with credible sources of “subjective objectivity.” Interviewed perspectives are subjective in that they are internal and therefore know you at least as well as you know yourself, yet they are objective in that they rarely parrot your waking biases. Integral Deep Listening provides an ongoing, relatively objective sources of direction for your integral life practice, reducing the likelihood that you will waste precious time working against yourself by pursuing goals that are important to you but are not so important to your inner compass.