My Counterfeit Mother



My Counterfeit Mother


Annette, Helen, and Elizabeth (my sister and her two daughters) are living in a large old house with a lot of passages.  The kids seem happy.  a pretty woman and a man live there too.  The woman claims to be the real mother of the girls and of Annette, Andra, and I as well.  I didn’t see how she could be old enough.  But someone tells me it is possible.  I don’t like the situation.  I think the woman is about to run off with this man.  Annette doesn’t seem to mind the living situation.  I don’t like it.


Nothing going on with the Barry’s that I can think of.  Their house is actually contemporary.

Preference Predictions

Most Accepting:  Woman

Least Accepting:  house

Most Preferred character:  house

Most Rejected character:  Annette

Most Preferred action: living in the house

Most Rejected action:  running off

Most Preferred feeling: not liking it

Most Rejected feeling: not liking it.


'81 My Counterfeit Mother 6:27:81


Sociogram Pattern:  Bipolar on acceptance, character, action axes with man and woman in ascendancy (on the upper half of the acceptance axis): nightmare pattern.

Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:  The woman seems attractive until I learn about her.

Helen & Elizabeth: We kids don’t like this woman usurping our Mom’s role and Mom letting it happen.  She’s a free-loader.  We’ll be glad when she moves out.  She is deceitful.  So is “Someone.”

Annette:  I just don’t care much, really.  I can adapt to almost any situation, no matter how outrageous.

Large Old House:  I’m a good old house.  I make a great home.  these people (the woman and man) don’t belong here.  They’re freeloaders and selfish.  I don’t like the situation, although I am pleased that Dream Self also dislikes it.

Woman:  Those little brats better keep their mouths shut.  Annette’s complacence is quite agreeable.  As their real mother, I can control them and get them to obey me.  I think Dream Self is about to discover us.  We had best get while the gettin’s good.

Man:  I don’t want to leave.  But I guess we have to.

Someone:  Dream Self is a fool; he’ll believe anything.  So is Annette.  I just wanted to see how gullible he is.

Dream Commentary

If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it? 

Helen & Elizabeth:  Get this crazy couple out of here!  Annette, you’re our mother.  You should kick them out.   They’re freeloaders.

Annette:  That’s contrary to love and light.  But I guess I can get matter of fact about it with them.  OK.  I’ll tell them to leave.

Large Old House:  Bravo!

Woman:  Well, if that’s the way you feel!  We know we’re found out, so we can’t stay anyway.  So we’ll go.

Man:  Right.

Someone:  Well, it is possible.  That’s all.  That doesn’t mean that it is the case.  It’s OK with me if they leave.

Dream Self:  Annette will go to confront them but they will have already slinked into the sunset.


Annette, Helen, and Elizabeth (my older sister and her two daughters) are living in a large old house with a lot of passages.  The kids seem happy.  a pretty woman and a man live there too.  The woman claims to be the real mother of the girls and of Annette, Andra, and I as well.  I didn’t see how she could be old enough.  But someone tells me it is possible.  I don’t like the situation.  I think the woman is about to run off with this man.  Annette goes to confront the man and woman but they have already gone.  Helen and Elizabeth are very happy.  We have a celebration at her house.

Waking Commentary

     If you were this dreamer and were dealing with his waking issues – money, relationships, fears, career choices, physical health, spiritual development – would you do anything differently?  If so, what? 

Helen & Elizabeth:  Be less passive regarding bad habits like procrastination and masturbation.  Don’t act as if they are “part of the family!”

Large Old House:  It really doesn’t take much to straighten out your life.  If you call a spade a spade and stop lying to yourself, the jig is up.

Actual Preferences 

Most Accepting:  Annette

Least Accepting:  Dream Self

Most Preferred character:  Large Old House

Most Rejected character:  Dream Self; man; pretty woman

Most Preferred action: living in it; run off together

Most Rejected action:  claiming is my real mother

Most Preferred feeling:  kids happy

Most Rejected feeling:  dislike

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My Counterfeit Mother SGM '01

Sociogram Commentary

Sociogram Pattern:  Antithetical.   Opposition on all axes and significant ambivalence

Bipolar placement on the acceptance axis with Dream Self most rejecting and supposedly antagonistic forces (Annette, Man & woman in alliance.)   The accepting forces are not trusted – impostors or complacent.  The kids and the House are deeply divided inwardly.  They are the aspects of self that are experiencing the dissonance regarding this life issue.  This pattern is a weak nightmare (inverse) type pattern.

confederation seen on the acceptance axis does not hold up here.  Man, Pretty Woman oppose Large Old House and Annette.  Annette is highly preferred.

Process axis.  “Claims is my mother” opposes “living in it.”   Rights of ownership are questioned; who deserves the comfort and stability that House offers.

Affect axis:  a strong conflict between being happy and disliking false, presumptive claims of ownership.

Life issue:  I do not like deceitful, manipulative, and lying aspects of myself which try to convince me that I am not who I think I am (my mother is not my mother.)    This issue is not yet very clear to me.

My Counterfeit Mother '81

My Counterfeit Mother 81 - 1

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