Dr. Joseph Dillard

Joseph Dillard is a psychotherapist, author, and educator with over forty year’s clinical experience treating individual, couple, and family issues. Joseph also has extensive experience with pain management and meditation training. The creator of Integral Deep Listening (IDL), he is the author of over twenty books on escaping life drama, waking up, dreaming, Dream Sociometry, nightmares, near death experiences, and meditation.

Joseph received his Master’s in clinical social work from the University of Arkansas in 1979 and his PhD in Holistic Health Sciences/Health Education from Columbia Pacific University in 1981. He has received specialized training in psychodrama, Perl’s Gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, Transactional Analysis, Reality Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Joseph has directed two multi-disciplinary pain-management programs. In a broad-based private practice since 1985, Joseph has treated anxiety, depression, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, couples and parent-child issues, and personal development issues.

In addition to work as a psychotherapist and author, Joseph is a life coach and seminar leader, teaching Integral Deep Listening to students in Berlin and at the beautiful Toskana Therme in Bad Sulza, Thuringia, Germany, as well as via Skype and Zoom world-wide. As a life coach teaching communication and conflict resolution skills, Joseph accompanies adolescents on a three masted schooner during the first part of their six-month educational voyage to the Caribbean.

Dr. Dillard lives in Berlin with his wife Claudia, who is a German naturopath and art therapist. Together they provide joint therapy to German speakers as well as group excursions to Bimini, Bahamas, to free dive with wild dolphins, rays, and sharks. Their Bimini excursions incorporate IDL principles and practices.

Joseph Dillard, LCSW, PhD

Items that do not list a publisher are essays by the author published on IntegralWorld.Net.

Dillard, J., Krippner, S., (1988). Dreamworking: How to Use Your Dreams for Creative Problem Solving. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J., (2009). Dream Yoga: Der Weg den Träume. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2011). Ending Nightmares for Good. Lulu.
Dillard, J. (2011). Transcending Your Monkey Mind: The Five Trees and Meditation. Lulu
Dillard, J. (2013). Integral Deep Listening Practitioner. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2013). Fire from Heaven: Deep Listening to Near Death Experiences. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2013). Integral Deep Listening Interviewing Techniques. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2016). Words and Concepts that Are and Are Not Conducive to Enlightenment: Understanding Principles Fundamental to Integral Deep Listening. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2016). Integral Deep Listening: Accessing Your Inner Compass. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Waking Up: How to Use Integral Deep Listening to Transform Your Life. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Seven Octaves of Enlightenment: Integral Deep Listening Pranayama. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Escaping the Drama Triangle in the Three Realms: Relationships, Thinking, Dreaming. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Blueprint for Awakening: Using the IDL Statement of Intent to Awaken, Clarify, and Center Your Life. Berlin: Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Healing Integral 1: Toward a Global Re-Alignment. Berlin: Deep Deep Listening Press.
Dillard, J. (2017). Healing Integral 2: Transformations for the Future. Berlin: Deep Deep Listening Press.

Dillard, J., (2017). A Summary of “Healing Integral.”

Dillard, J. (2017). Spiral Dynamic Colors. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). The Integral Cure of Pathology. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). The Challenge of Transhumanism. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). How to Avoid Problems in “God” Language. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). Problematic Assumptions About AQAL’s Moral Line of Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). Aperspectival Madness: How and Why AQAL Grossly Overestimates Your Level of Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). Integral and the Myth of Progress. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). The Shadow, Carl Jung, and Integral Deep Listening. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2017). Problematic Aspects of Wilber’s 3-2-1 Shadow Work. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). Dream Sociometry: A Multi-Perspectival Path to the Transpersonal. London: Routledge.
Dillard, J. (2018). Understanding the Dream Sociogram: Transformational Patterns of Intrasocial Relationships. London: Routledge.
Dillard, J. (2018). Trickle Down Spirituality. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). Just How Moral Are Integralists? Eric Weinstein’s 4 Quadrant Model and the Kohlberg-Wilber Effect. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). Steven Pinker, Integral, and the Culture Wars. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). The Kohlberg-Wilber Fallacy, Part 1: Why You Aren’t as Ethical as You Think You Are. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). The Kohlberg-Wilber Fallacy, Part 2: Why Your Level of Moral Judgment does Not Predict Your Morality. Integral World
Dillard, J. (2018). As Integralists, Can We Agree On This?. Integral World
Dillard, J. (2018). Slaves to Groupthink: Problems With Integral Life Practice. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). Problems with Wilber’s Pre/Trans Fallacy. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2018). The Shadow of “Shadow”: Jung, Integral, Spirituality, and Human Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Comparing Cognitive and Experiential Multi-Perspectivalisms. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Integral and Human Rights: What Integral Can Learn from Russia and China. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Re-imagining Our Evolutionary Future: Placing Self-Development in the Context of Overall Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). The Importance of Mundane Relational Exchanges for Integral Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Social and Intrasocial Tools for Establishing a Global Commons. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Integral and the Dynamics of Bubbles. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Why Integral has not Gained Broader Acceptance and What Can be Done About It. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Exceptionalism: Integral’s Blue Pill. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Integral’s Overton Window: Opening or Closing? Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). An Integral Journey: From Hubris to Humility. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Some Problematic Aspects of an Integral World View. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Are We Clever Apes With Guns? Limitations of Self-Development and Evidence for Overall Development. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Integral Groupthink. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2019). Assumptions of Integral Dream Analysis: A Critique of Wilber’s Understanding of Dreaming and Dreamwork. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Self-Development and Overall Development: Their Differences and Why They Matter. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Toward an Integral Response to Coronavirus. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Why Ken Wilber Isn’t Second Tier and You and I Aren’t Either: How to Tell Phony Claims of Enlightenment from Real Ones. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Moral Intelligence, Ethical Intelligence, Moral IQ and Integral AQAL. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). The “Lesser of Two Evils” Fallacy and Wilber’s Basic Moral Intuition. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Why Do We Suffer? Theodicy and Integral AQAL. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). China’s Contribution to an Integral World View 1: Chinese Humanism, Integral AQAL, and Integral Deep Listening. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). China’s Contribution to an Integral World View 2: Shamanic and Taoist Origins of Chinese Traditions. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). China’s Contribution to an Integral World View 3: Core Concepts of Confucianism. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). China’s Contribution to an Integral World View 4: Important Implications of Chinese Humanism for Humanity. Integral World.
Dillard, J. (2020). Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part I: Why We Do Not Recognize that Our Development is Fixated.
Dillard, J., (2020). Why Humanity Remains Locked in a Mid-Prepersonal Level of Development, Part II: Ways Integral AQAL Supports the Thesis That Our Development is Fixated at an Early Developmental Stage. IntegralWorld.Net.

Dillard, J., Is Integral Spiritual?
Dillard, J. (2020). Integral Closet Ethnocentrism.

Dillard, J., (2021) Moving Toward a More Integral Integral

Dillard, J., (2021) Blind Spots in the Integral AQAL World View

Dillard, J., (2021) Dreaming as Viewed Through the Prism of Wilber’s Theory Of Art Criticism

Dillard, J., (2021) Shamanism

Dillard, J., (2021) Hindu Foundations Of Dream Yogas

Dillard, J., (2021) Tibetan Dream Yoga and Phenomenologically-based Experiential Multi-Perspectivalism

Dillard, J., (2021) Critiquing Wilber’s Defense of Krishna’s Justification of Murder in the Baghavad Gita

Dillard, J., (2021) Jungian Psychology, Integral AQAL, and Integral Deep Listening

Dillard, J., (2021) The Socratic Method and Phenomenologically-based Experiential Multi-Perspectivalisms

Dillard, J., (2021) Bruce Alderman’s Grammatical Philosophemes as Applied to Dream Sociometry

Dillard, J., (2021) Financial, Social, and Intrasocial Capital in an Integral Context

Dillard, J., (2021) So Long, Integral, November 2021

Dillard, J., (2021) Bonnitta Roy’s “Awakened Perception” And Phenomenologically-based Experiential Multi-Perspectivalisms

Dillard, J., (2022) Is Putin Red and the West Green?

Dillard, J., (2022) The Ukraine Crisis: An Opportunity to Wake Up Out of Groupthink

Dillard, J., (2022) Practicing Multi-Perspectivalism Regarding the Ukraine War

Dillard, J., (2022) Why are Russia and Putin Winning the Economic and Military Wars?

Dillard, J., (2022) A Personal Note on the Evolution of My Perspective On Ukraine

Dillard, J., (2022) Why We are Losing the War with Russia

Dillard, J., (2022) Integral and the “Halo Effect”, Edgar Morin’s Critique of the War in Ukraine

Dillard, J., (2022) Subjugation or Sovereignty?, That’s the question for Russia

Dillard, J., (2022) Our “Catch 22” and Ukraine

Dillard, J., (2022) Western Groupthink is Putin’s Weapon

Part I: (2022) How Multiple Perspectives Create our Identity

Part 2: (2022) Three Fundamental Perspectives on Life

Part 3: (2022) Differentiating Varieties of Polycentrism

Part 4: (2022) Three Core Barriers to Polycentrism

Part 5: (2022) Decentralizing Identity with Polycentrism

Dillard, J., (2022) Putin’s Fiery Denunciation of the West, Its Implications for an Integral Worldview

Dillard, J., (2022) How Will the Delusions and Misrepresentations of the Russian-Ukrainian War End?

Dillard, J., (2022) Where Does the Integral Worldview Most Require Rebalancing?

Dillard, J., (2022) Are Most Adults at Prepersonal Levels of Moral Development Sociopaths?

Dillard, J., (2022) Questions Regarding Metamodernism

Dillard, J., (2023) Critiquing a Metamodern Critique of the Ukraine War

Dillard, J. (2023) Characteristics of Our Emerging Worldview, Western and Global South Worldviews Compared

Dillard, J., (2023) Dream Sociometry: An Alchemical Aspect of Integral Deep Listening

For more information, contact joseph.dillard@gmail.com. While IDL does not accept advertising or sponsored postings, we gratefully accept donations of your time, expertise, or financial support.