Dream Sociometry Template

Dream group member explanations of their preferences are written as character elaborations in the Dream Sociomatrix Commentary. Dream group members are then asked if they could change the dream group in any way they want, would they, and if so, how would they change it? The resulting elaborations are collected in the Dream Commentary.

If, and only if, all dream group members arrive at a consensus on recommended changes within the dream group, these may be written as a Dreamage. A dreamage is used as a potent metaphorical tool for integrating and transforming consciousness.

Each dream group member is then asked the question, “If I were this dreamer, living his waking life, with all of his daily relationship, work, financial, spiritual, and health concerns, would I live his life differently? If so, how?” Responses are noted in the Waking Commentary.

Next the dreamer recalls some waking concern or worry. It doesn’t have to have anything at all to do with the dream. Each dream group member is then asked the question, “If I were this dreamer, this is how I would handle this life issue:” Elaborations are noted in the Life Issue Commentary.

An Action Plan is then developed. It consists of those waking life changes that have been recommended by dream group members which the dreamer is willing to implement in her waking life. These are charted and monitored on a weekly basis.

The Dream Sociogram is created and information about dream group relationships and their relevance to associated life issues are written in the Sociogram Commentary.

Each dream group member is now asked the following question: “The reason why I am in this dream and this dream group came together is…” The resulting elaborations are collected in the Dream Summary Commentary.

Here is the structure of the Dream Sociometry Template:



Author’s Name

Dream Narrative

My associations to this dream are…

Three fundamental life issues

Formulate three questions, each addressing a different core life issue:

If I could resolve these issues, what difference would it make in my life?

Dream Sociomatrix Commentary

“The reason I like, like (a lot, love, dislike, dislike a lot, hate, don’t care about, or am accepting toward) (dream element) is…”  “What I liked/disliked most about being in this dream is…”

Dream Self:  (Elaboration…)

What I like most about being in this dream is …

What I dislike most about being in this dream is …

X: (Elaboration…)

What I like most about being in this dream is …

What I dislike most about being in this dream is …

Dream Consciousness: (Elaboration…)

What I like most about creating this dream is…

What I dislike most about creating this dream is…

What surprises me about what I’ve heard is…

Dream Commentary

“If I could change this dream in any way, would I change it?  If so, how?”

X: (Elaboration…)

Dream consciousness: (Elaboration…)


(A rewrite of the dream based on a consensus of dream group member recommendations.  If there is no consensus, there can be no dreamage.  A synthesis group dream is usually its own dreamage.  Read it over before sleep as an affirmation of a higher pattern of internal integration and healing.)

(Dreamage text)

Dream Summary Commentary

(“What part of this dreamer do you most closely personify?

“ The reason why I am in this dream is…”

“This dream group came together to…”)

X: I most closely personify…The reason why I am in this dream is… This dream group came together to…

Dream consciousness: I most closely personify…The reason why I created this dream is…  This dream group came together to…

Waking Commentary

As (this dream group member), if I were living this dreamer’s waking life, how would I live it differently? Would I handle this dreamer’s three life issues differently?  If so, how?

X: (Elaboration…)

Dream consciousness: (Elaboration…)

Identification Commentary

If I could designate specific occasions in the dreamer’s waking life when I would recommend that he imagine that he is me, what would those occasions be?

X: (Elaboration…)

Dream consciousness: (Elaboration…)

Action Plan

(All of the above recommendations for waking life application are not of equal importance.  You have to decide how you wish to prioritize them and what you want to do with them.  But take some action!  It is a way of demonstrating that you take your inner direction seriously.  If you have it wrong, future dream groups will cybernetically correct your course.)

Sociogram Commentary

Overall Pattern: Elaboration

Acceptance Axis: Elaboration

Form Axis: Elaboration

Process Axis: Elaboration

Affect Axis: Elaboration

Dream Group Dynamics Commentary

(In which the various dream group members are provided with an opportunity to express their thoughts on their relationships with their fellow dream group members.)

El: (Elaboration…)

“What I am saying to myself is…”

Statements from elaborations are rewritten here as “I” statements.

Some of the basic issues addressed by this dream group are:

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