An NDE Memory Helps a Survivor of Childhood Abuse


Almost all of us have had traumatic experiences in our childhood. They have left scars that echo through our lives, affecting how we see ourselves and others and subtly scripting how we feel, think, and act. While these experiences can never be undone, their negative influence can be minimized. They can be reframed in ways that allow them to become assets, strengths, and doorways to unrecognized or unrealized potentials. This is the typical result of an Integral Deep Listening interview of some aspect of a childhood trauma: its fear, resulting sense of alienation, distrust, or victimization. When such an interview is combined with the transformational power of a recalled near death experience, the positive impact for healing, balancing, and transformation can be magnified. Such was the experience of Charlotte; her account is a good illustration of how a much earlier NDE can be revisited to bring healing to ancient wounds and a sense of meaning and life direction where before there was only despair.

Charlotte had two NDE’s when she was an infant. She reports, “I am guessing they occurred around 2 months of age. I did not start to recall them until fifteen years later. Then I recalled that on one occasion my mother put her hands around my neck and held me in mid air. This one feels like I went to a dark place; there was dark energy. My mother feels very gone. Seems like my Dad stopped her. He focused on her, I was ignored or abandoned. I feel gone, way out there. It seemed unimaginable how I could do this journey, to live my life.

On another occasion in my infancy my mother held my head under water. (I feel a pain spot that I am very familiar with on the back right lower side of my head as I write these words.) I die. I am within the most incredible experience ever. I am in nirvana! I still have a sense of myself, with a translucent ball like LOVE energy. (My favorite toy as a child was a ball.) I am not sure if the form of a ball or sphere was really there. It seems formless and the sphere shape helped me notice it was there, or a way for me to bring it back, and a way to describe? There aren’t words to describe how incredible it was.”

“In my memory of the NDE, my father takes my mother off me. Four of my five siblings are in the bathroom crying; they are super afraid. One of them, seems like the oldest, my brother Earl, grabs my arm, which seems to dislocate my shoulder, and pulls me up out of the water. Now my entire being has taken on all of my siblings’ fear. I feel very angry, that I am taken from where I was and from the feeling of nirvana. I know this light energy now. Hard to call it light energy because it seems way more powerful than light and it has a translucent nature to it.”

“Later, when I was in a post-graduate program, I had experiences that seemed to verify these memories. My teacher was doing therapy with me in a group of thirty. Suddenly the woman sitting next to me said, “I can see the hand prints on her neck!” Red hand prints were visible on my neck. She was freaked! Also at around that same time, during a diad exercise, in the group, my hand went up to my nose (as a drowning person may do). My teacher said, “you can trust your body.” I had no idea of either infant NDE at the time. It was about 15 years after the experiences that the NDE memories started to come.”

“I think I had these NDE’s to save my life by becoming one with love not earthly, human, object love, but the love of all, universal or cosmic or godly, spirit love”

Charlotte chose to interview her mother from her memory of the NDEs. “Mother” said, “I’m going blank. I’m feeling afraid. I don’t know what to do. I’m killing Charlotte. I feel like I’m going crazy. I can’t stop myself. I don’t know what is happening….”

I like that I have patience, that I am calm, and a good cook; I dislike my anger that comes out of my need for getting things right, especially for others to get things right. I am trying to get the outside right. I lost my mother to death right after my own birth. I represent the light within Charlotte! I couldn’t face the light; I couldn’t face my light. I didn’t know how to live without my mother…it seems that I went psychotic…Six children was too much…”

“If I could take whatever form I desired, I would be a flower! I’m bright, cheery, natural, colorful, alive, vibrant, loved! I’m yellow and I have petals that look like a daisy or a sunflower. I move with the breeze. I have a center, a nucleus that all the petals come out of. Perhaps it is brown. On a scale of zero to ten I score myself a ten in confidence because I have no fear at all; I just feel my naturalness with no fear of decay or death. I am also a ten in wisdom because I am brilliant! I know stuff; I don’t know how I know it, though. It’s fun to have this wisdom; it’s playful and exhilarating, and just plain useful! I score myself a nine in witnessing. I get stuck; I lose touch with my nature; I forget my nature and before I know it I’m involved in wanting things to be a certain way…I want things to be peaceful, balanced, going with the flow, being natural. I am an eight in compassion; I’m weeping; I don’t know how to embrace myself fully…I’m afraid of myself…I have a beautiful spirit that I’m afraid to show it. I’d rather be off alone. I am a seven in inner peace because I feel disturbed about these things I can’t get resolved….I stand alone; I’m out in left field…I can’t be myself…I am a five in acceptance because I am afraid of harm.”

“If I scored tens in all six of these qualities I would be in community – I would be with other flowers – I would be blowing in the wind; I would be living nature, however that is, IS! I could be raining on me one day, it could be sunny, I could be cut and taken to a vase! If Charlotte scored like I do her struggle would be gone her purpose, drive and purpose would be very different. Instead of focusing on getting everything all right it would just be living life as it comes in a natural flow. Present comes…to be present. Checking out wouldn’t happen. Emotions would be resolved. She needs to live her life lovingly, to love what she is. She is always trying to make herself better when she’s OK now! To live without the fear, anger, and pain that feels very, very old!”

“Regarding healing her emotions of fear, anger, and hurt that are out of whack, I would grieve; I would wash the emotion away. There’s no need to carry this old emotion. I would let it go…The sunlight allows the emotions to be released. As a flower I am embraced by the sunlight. It MAKES me! It’s not emotion, it’s sunlight! For the healing of her right side I recommend that she increase, enliven the left side; let go of holding on to physical pain…There’s a lot of fear stuck in the body; I’d let that fear go. Charlotte is natural like me! Regarding her timidness and fear of embracing herself, I would have her know that it’s already done! Stop thinking about it! Embracing yourself is to stop losing yourself to the body personality “you.” Stop limiting yourself! Embrace is already there! Accept the embrace!”

“Instead of focusing on those three life issues, if I, the sunflower, were in charge of Charlotte’s life I would focus on nature, fun, and living!Doing so would set her free, being no longer bogged down; accepting the beautiful life that she has and the beautiful person she is. Control would be gone and unnecessary. She makes up all kinds of stuff that is so unnecessary!”

It would be most beneficial for Charlotte to imagine that she is me with others in day-to-day life. Then she would be free, relaxed, competent, with time for her to share her truth, to stop hiding, and to smile! I am in her life for beaming! For presence, love, and adoration! For a reminder to be the way she is when she looks and experiences ME! When she looks at me she is so full of love and presence and peace, adoration, stillness; she really cares for me well.”

“Charlotte is most likely to ignore what I am saying to her by getting angry. To avoid that, she needs to remember that the anger is over and that anger is so not her! It is pulling the plug on the anger; it is so not her; it is such interference. When Charlotte gets angry it is pulling the plug on her real self. Anger it is not her natural spirit. Letting Charlotte get back to her real, cheerful, beautiful self. She thinks she’s still angry, but she’s not; that’s just the interference.”

“Charlotte had these NDEs to help her get back to her true nature. The circumstances she was born into were difficult. By having the NDEs she remembered the light that as a child she called love. This got her through her childhood and kept her on track with the essence, the spirit of life, with the clear light that can transform anything back to nature, back to the way of the clear light, the way of spirit! The ball of love was in the NDE because it saves her, it is a reflection of her…so she wouldn’t forget herself. Brilliance is not ego; it’s not mind. It’s just nature!!!”

“Charlotte can tune into me anytime because I’m always here for her! She can become me anytime she wants; doing so will help her take the confusion out; sometimes she thinks she’s different from her true nature.”

Charlotte said, “I heard myself say that I am just like a flower! That is the way I was born and the way I am and always will be. I don’t have to get involved in anything else that takes away from my true nature. That the old anger and pain and fear are OVER! Stay present, not just in the here and now, but not disassociating or going into shock (My body will go into a shock like state…) What will prevent mind and body from going into shock or into disassociational states is more intentional meditation every day. Knowing the difference between meditation and disassociation or shock. I need that stillness, the quiet or peace. To get myself used to that instead of go, go go…If this experience were a wake-up call from the most central part of who I am, it would be telling me to love what already is! There is nothing more to get! The spirit door will just naturally expand in life. I don’t have to force it! Live in the here and now as ME!”

Charlotte could, in the future, go back and interview any other character in her experience. All will reveal for her how, when, and where she is stuck and what she needs to get unstuck today, regardless of when she does the interview. Every aspect of our lives is a wake-up call; as we listen to them we see through the unnecessary and the complicated to the simple essence of who we are and what we are here to do.

The interview was followed, some weeks later, by a series of questions about its impact, as part of an evaluation on the relationship of IDL interviewing of memories of NDEs for a book on the topic, Fire From Heaven: Deep Listening to Near Death Experiences.

Do you think your IDL interview helped you to “wake up” in some way to the usefulness or relevance of your NDE for you in your current life circumstances?

Yes. Holding back is counter productive & counter intuitive.

Was becoming an aspect (mother) of your NDE useful? If so, in what way?

Yes. This part I am really looking at and sorting out. More becomes clearer each night I read the transcript. This aspect is me. And it has given me the opportunity not only to identify how I am that aspect, also to transform the parts of this aspect that don’t serve me. Also reaffirms, everything is of light. Light does not exist in people according to behaviors, ‘good’ or ‘bad’. To live spiritually instead of personality based is much lovelier.

Did you feel like you were in touch with the divine in any way or at any time during your interview? If so, in what way(s)?

Yes. I know divine was there b/c I stayed present the whole interview. This is new to me to be “public” with the NDE’s. And the interview came to me from divine intervention.

Have you experimented since the interview at becoming your interviewed character (flower) and attempting to live your life from its perspective and out of its energy? If so, have you noticed any results? If so, what?

Yes. And I want to do it more at any time not just in my meditation time. When I become the flower I remember I am nature just like a flower. If I get wrapped up in what isn’t my nature ‘I’ disappear.

Now that some time has passed, do you think that the recommendations your character had for your waking life were appropriate, relevant, and useful? If so, how?

All the above. I have kidded for decades, ” I wish God made me a grocery bagger!” God made me a light worker & that’s that! I love helping myself & others transform, using divine energy.

Sometimes we can get swamped with recommendations during interviews and sometimes the press of daily events swamps our ability to apply the recommendations we do receive. Has either been the case for you?

I am integrating & transforming every day. This I have done daily for many a year. A priority that is necessary for my health & well being. The interview gave me lots of territory of self to transform. I’m happy with my pace.

Did you learn anything new about your NDE from your interview? Did it change your attitude about it in any way?

(It) forced me to write the NDE down & put it in public, which I had not before. Helped me separate how I ended up in a NDE (mother) & working with the NDE itself. With the trauma out of it, it’s a phenomenal experience. Amazing what the human psyche & body are capable of.

How about NDEs in general? Did your interview change your attitude about NDEs in any way? If so, how?

I feel fortunate I had one. I’ve been in touch with on some level, since an infant, what many people spend a life time hoping to experience.

Has your character (mother) continued to be present? Have you had any success at becoming it? Or has its significance faded with time?

The characteristics of the character have been present. Haven’t tried to become it. This question stimulates me to work with mother character.

Do you think reading over your IDL interview would help someone who has not had an NDE to benefit from them all the same?


Do you think an IDL interview could help people who have not had an NDE to get in touch with the divine?

Very possible.

Do you think this interviewing process could help NDEers avoid doing a “spiritual bypass?” (thinking they were totally healed and not addressing their psychological issues.)

Definitely. One of the most productive parts of the interview for me was becoming the aspect (flower) and the character (mother). Because I got information about myself that I wasn’t intentionally holding back but was. Excellent, gentle way to get into the subconscious. Even stuff I knew was a problem i.e. acceptance, I didn’t know the afraid of harm aspect of it.

Do you think that sharing your interview with family and friends could help them come to grips with the transformation that is still occurring in your life as a result of your NDE?

Definitely. My husband was delighted. Have only shared with him & my best friend so far.

Do you think that an IDL interview on a NDE theme could help terminally ill patients and their families?

Yes, especially those who are afraid of death, or family members who may be ‘holding on’ to a loved one who is going to pass.

(I am) so amazed how much I have gained by the interview & working with it day & night.

Notice that the reality of the memories are never questioned. This is not because IDL assumes they are real, but because it assumes their reality is irrelevant. What matters is the impact of an experience on a person’s life, not whether it is real or not. We can see this in nightmares, which are self-generated, and where the recognition of that impact not only does not diminish their impact but discounts their value, thereby preventing them from being heard and used as a tool for transformation. The same is true for PTSD nightmares; the reality of the experience is irrelevant to its impact upon one’s life. Therefore, IDL believes that the appropriate approach to all experience is to suspend assumptions about its ontological status – whether it is real or illusory – and focus on doing two things: 1) listening to it as objectively as possible, and 2) amplifying its potential for healing, balancing, and transformation.

Here is the transcript of the interview from which the above summary was taken.

What are three fundamental life issues that you are dealing with now in your life?

1 Emotion – fear, anger, and hurt are out of whack

2 My body is out of whack – particularly my right side.

3 Embracing myself – there’s a timidness and fear there.

Tell me about your NDE…

Both NDE’s were in infancy, I feel certain before six months. I am guessing they occurred around 2 months of age. I did not start to recall them until fifteen years later. Then I recalled that on one occasion my mother put her hands around my neck and held me in mid air. This one feels like I went to a dark place; there was dark energy. My mother feels very gone. Seems like my Dad stopped her. He focused on her, I was ignored or abandoned. I feel gone, way out there. It seemed unimaginable how I could do this journey, to live my life.

On another occasion in my infancy my mother held my head under water. (I feel a pain spot that I am very familiar with on the back right lower side of my head as I write these words.) I die. I am within the most incredible experience ever. I am in nirvana! I still have a sense of myself, with a translucent ball like LOVE energy. (My favorite toy as a child was a ball.) I am not sure if the form of a ball or sphere was really there. It seems formless and the sphere shape helped me notice it was there, or a way for me to bring it back, and a way to describe? There aren’t words to describe how incredible it was.

My father takes my mother off me. Four of my five siblings are in the bathroom crying; they are super afraid. One of them, seems like the oldest, my brother Earl, grabs my arm, which seems to dislocate my shoulder, and pulls me up out of the water. Now my entire being has taken on all of my siblings’ fear. I feel very angry, that I am taken from where I was and from the feeling of nirvana. I know this light energy now. Hard to call it light energy because it seems way more powerful than light and it has a translucent nature to it.

Later, when I was in a post-graduate program, I had experiences that seemed to verify these memories. My teacher was doing therapy with me in a group of thirty. Suddenly the woman sitting next to me said, “I can see the hand prints on her neck!” Red hand prints were visible on my neck. She was freaked! Also at around that same time, during a diad exercise, in the group, my hand went up to my nose (as a drowning person may do). My teacher said, “you can trust your body.” I had no idea of either infant NDE at the time. It was about 15 years after the experiences that the NDE memories started to come.

Why do you think that you had these NDEs?

To save my life. To be one with love not earthly, human, object love, but the love of all, universal or cosmic or godly, spirit love.

These are the characters in the NDEs, beside yourself…

Mother, water, darkness, father, siblings, bathtub

If one character had something especially important to tell you, what would it be?

My Mother

Now remember how as a child you liked to pretend you were a teacher or a doctor? It’s easy and fun for you to imagine that you are this or that character in your NDEs and answer some questions I ask, saying the first thing that comes to your mind. If you wait too long to answer, that’s not the character answering – that’s YOU trying to figure out the right thing to say!

Mother, how shall we refer to you?

I feel anger, but call me “Mother,”

Mother, are you a character in Charlotte’s NDE, yes?


Mother, would you please tell me about yourself and what you are doing?

I’m going blank. I’m feeling afraid. I don’t know what to do. I’m killing Charlotte. I feel like I’m going crazy. I can’t stop myself. I don’t know what is happening….

Mother, what do you like most about yourself? What are your strengths?

Patience, calm, good cook…

What do you dislike most about yourself? Do you have weaknesses? What are they?

Anger, getting things right, especially others, trying to get the outside right. I lost my mother to death right after my birth.

Mother ,what aspect of Charlotte do you represent or most closely personify?

The light! I couldn’t face the light; I couldn’t face my light. I didn’t know how to live without my mother…it seems that I went psychotic…Six children was too much…

Mother, if you could be anywhere you wanted to be and take any form you desired, would you change? If so, how?

A flower! I’m bright, cheery, natural, colorful, alive, vibrant, loved! I’m yellow and I have petals that look like a daisy or a sunflower. I move with the breeze. I have a center, a nucleus that all the petals come out of. Perhaps it is brown.

(Continue, answering as the transformed object, if it chose to change.)

Flower, how would you score yourself 0-10, in confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, peace of mind, and witnessing? Why?

Confidence: 10 I initially had no fear at all; I just felt my naturalness with no fear of decay or death.

Compassion: 8 I’m weeping; I don’t know how to embrace myself fully…I’m afraid of myself…I have a beautiful spirit that I’m afraid to show it. I’d rather be off alone

Wisdom: 10 Brilliance! I know stuff; I don’t know how I know it, though. It’s fun to have this wisdom; it’s playful and exhilarating, and just plain useful!

Acceptance: 5 I’m afraid of harm.

Inner Peace: 7 I feel disturbed about these things I can’t get resolved….I stand alone; I’m out in left field…I can’t be myself…

Witnessing: 9 I get stuck; I lose touch with my nature; I forget my nature and before I know it I’m involved in wanting things to be a certain way…I want things to be peaceful, balanced, going with the flow, being natural.

Flower, if you scored tens in all six of these qualities, would you be different? If so, how?

I would be in community – I would be with other flowers – I would be blowing in the wind; I would be living nature, however that is, IS! I could be raining on me one day, it could be sunny, I could be cut and taken to a vase!

How would Charlotte’s life be different if she naturally scored like you do in all six of these qualities all the time?

The struggle would be gone…purpose, drive and purpose would be very different. Instead of focusing on getting everything all right it would just be living life as it comes in a natural flow. Present comes…to be present. Checking out wouldn’t happen. Emotion would be resolved.

If you could live Charlotte’s life for her, how would you live it differently?

Lovingly, to love what you are. You are always trying to make yourself better when you’re OK now! To live without the fear, anger, and pain that feels very, very old!

If you could live Charlotte’s waking life for her today, would you handle her three life issues differently? If so, how?

1 Emotion – fear, anger, and hurt are out of whack:

I would grieve; I would wash the emotion away. There’s no need to carry this old emotion. I would let it go…The sunlight allows the emotions to be released. As a flower I am embraced by the sunlight. It MAKES me! It’s not emotion, it’s sunlight! (When my husband is observing transformation for me he regularly sees the sun!)

2 My body is out of whack – particularly my right side.

Increase, enliven the left side; let go of holding on to physical pain…There’s a lot of fear stuck in the body; I’d let that fear go. Charlotte is natural like me!

3 Embracing myself – there’s a timidness and fear there.

It’s already done! Stop thinking about it! Embracing yourself is to stop losing yourself to the body personality “you.” Stop limiting yourself! Embrace is already there! Accept the embrace!

What three life issues would you focus on if you were in charge of her life?

1. Nature!

2. Fun!

3. Living!

If she focused on those three live issues instead of her own, what difference would that make in her life, Flower?

Free, set free, being no longer bogged down; accepting the beautiful life that she has and the beautiful person she is. Control would be gone and unnecessary. She makes up all kinds of stuff that is so unnecessary!

In what daily life situations would it be most beneficial for Charlotte to imagine that she is you and act as you would?

With others in day-to-day life. Then she would be free, relaxed, competent, with time for her to share her truth, stop hiding, smile!

Why do you think that you are in Charlotte’s life?

For beaming! For presence, love, and adoration! For a reminder to be the way she is when she looks and experiences ME! When she looks at me she is so full of love and presence and peace, adoration, stillness; she really cares for me well.

How is Charlotte most likely to ignore what you are saying to her?

By getting angry.

What would you recommend that she do about that?

Remember that the anger is over and that anger is so not her! It is pulling the plug on the anger; it is so not her; it is such interference. When Charlotte gets angry it is pulling the plug on her real self. Anger it is not her natural spirit. Letting Charlotte get back to her real, cheerful, beautiful self. She thinks she’s still angry, but she’s not; that’s just the interference.

I think Charlotte had these NDEs because

to get back to her true nature. The circumstances she was born into was difficult. By having the NDEs she remembered the light that as a child she called love. This got her through her childhood and kept her on track with the essence, the spirit of life, with the clear light that can transform anything back to nature, back to the way of the clear light, the way of spirit!

I think the ball of love was in the NDE because…

It saves her, it is a reflection of her…so she wouldn’t forget herself. Brilliance is not ego; it’s not mind. It’s just nature!!!

Can Charlotte tune into you and ask you questions any time she wants to, Flower?

Yes! I’m always here for her!

Can she become you anytime she wants?

Yes! That will help her take the confusion out; sometimes she thinks she’s different from her true nature.

What have you heard yourself say?

That I am just like a flower! That is the way I was born and the way I am and always will be. I don’t have to get involved in anything else that takes away from my true nature. That the old anger and pain and fear are OVER! Stay present, not just in the here and now, but not disassociating or going into shock (My body will go into a shock like state…) What will prevent mind and body from going into shock or into disassociational states is more intentional meditation every day. Knowing the difference between meditation and disassociation or shock. I need that stillness, the quiet or peace. To get myself used to that instead of go, go go…

If this experience were a wake-up call from the most central part of who you are, what do you think it would be saying to you?

Love what already is! There is nothing more to get! The spirit door will just naturally expand in life. I don’t have to force it! Live here and now You.

Do you have any questions or comments about the interviewing process?

Your way of interviewing makes it flow with such ease! I noticed myself staying present the whole time, which is not always easy to do!

( I love flowers & have them in our home most of the time& surrounding it. Like on your desk. Funny those ‘coincidences’ happen with me often!)

Notice that Charlotte could, in the future, go back and interview any other character in her experience. All will reveal for her how, when, and where she is stuck and what she needs to get unstuck today, regardless of when she does the interview. Every aspect of our lives is a wake-up call; as we listen to them we see through the unnecessary and the complicated to the simple essence of who we are and what we are here to do.

Do you think your IDL interview helped you to “wake up” in some way to the usefulness or relevance of your NDE for you in your current life circumstances?

Yes. Holding back is counter productive & counter intuitive.

Was becoming an aspect (mother) of your NDE useful? If so, in what way?

Yes. This part I am really looking at and sorting out. More becomes clearer each night I read the transcript. This aspect is me. And it has given me the opportunity not only to identify how I am that aspect, also to transform the parts of this aspect that don’t serve me. Also reaffirms, everything is of light. Light does not exist in people according to behaviors, ‘good’ or ‘bad’. To live spiritually instead of personality based is much lovelier.

Did you feel like you were in touch with the divine in any way or at any time during your interview? If so, in what way(s)?

Yes. I know divine was there b/c I stayed present the whole interview. This is new to me to be “public” with the NDE’s. And the interview came to me from divine intervention.

Have you experimented since the interview at becoming your interviewed character (flower) and attempting to live your life from its perspective and out of its energy? If so, have you noticed any results? If so, what?

Yes. And I want to do it more at any time not just in my meditation time. When I become the flower I remember I am nature just like a flower. If I get wrapped up in what isn’t my nature ‘I’ disappear.

Now that some time has passed, do you think that the recommendations your character had for your waking life were appropriate, relevant, and useful? If so, how?

All the above. I have kidded for decades, ” I wish God made me a grocery bagger!” God made me a light worker & that’s that! I love helping myself & others transform, using divine energy.

Sometimes we can get swamped with recommendations during interviews and sometimes the press of daily events swamps our ability to apply the recommendations we do receive. Has either been the case for you?

I am integrating & transforming every day. This I have done daily for many a year. A priority that is necessary for my health & well being. The interview gave me lots of territory of self to transform. I’m happy with my pace.

Did you learn anything new about your NDE from your interview? Did it change your attitude about it in any way?

(It) forced me to write the NDE down & put it in public, which I had not before. Helped me separate how I ended up in a NDE (mother) & working with the NDE itself. With the trauma out of it, it’s a phenomenal experience. Amazing what the human psyche & body are capable of.

How about NDEs in general? Did your interview change your attitude about NDEs in any way? If so, how?

I feel fortunate I had one. I’ve been in touch with on some level, since an infant, what many people spend a life time hoping to experience.

Has your character (mother) continued to be present? Have you had any success at becoming it? Or has its significance faded with time?

The characteristics of the character have been present. Haven’t tried to become it. This question stimulates me to work with mother character.

Do you think reading over your IDL interview would help someone who has not had an NDE to benefit from them all the same?


Do you think an IDL interview could help people who have not had an NDE to get in touch with the divine?

Very possible.

Do you think this interviewing process could help NDEers avoid doing a “spiritual bypass?” (thinking they were totally healed and not addressing their psychological issues.)

Definitely. One of the most productive parts of the interview for me was becoming the aspect (flower) and the character (mother). Because I got information about myself that I wasn’t intentionally holding back but was. Excellent, gentle way to get into the subconscious. Even stuff I knew was a problem i.e. acceptance, I didn’t know the afraid of harm aspect of it.

Do you think that sharing your interview with family and friends could help them come to grips with the transformation that is still occurring in your life as a result of your NDE?

Definitely. My husband was delighted. Have only shared with him & my best friend so far.

Do you think that an IDL interview on a NDE theme could help terminally ill patients and their families?

Yes, especially those who are afraid of death, or family members who may be ‘holding on’ to a loved one who is going to pass.

(I am) so amazed how much I have gained by the interview & working with it day & night.
