Meeting Vajrayogini

September 2, 2014 by Joseph Dillard Here is a short summary of my near death experience In the fall of 1969 I fell from a balcony three stories and landed on my head on the sidewalk. I was 19 years old. My skull and jaw were fractured in many places and I underwent a six … Read more

Waters of Life Revive an NDE

Can a Near Death Experience from years ago still have relevance for one’s life today?  In this interview we observe the NDE and its implications for Ann’s life from the perspective of the water that almost killed her when she was a child. The water not only precipitated the NDE but it stands as antagonist … Read more

A Past NDE Brings Healing Today

A near death experience can be so glorious that it leaves one longing to return to that overpowering reality. That in turn can make living in the world, which now seems pale by comparison, difficult. How does one cope with this challenge? The following interview does not answer this dilemma as much as it brings … Read more

Beverly’s Journey Into the Void

The idea of the “void” is so beyond comprehension as to be either meaningless or frightening to many. Others dismiss it as a pessimistic concept that negates beingness and reality.  Beverly’s interview not only helps us to understand the concept of the Void but illustrates how it can be integrated in a constructive, practical way … Read more

A Near Death Experience Tunnel Speaks

  Mystical experiences are to living what lucid dreaming is to the dream state: a waking up into a broader, inclusive, transcending perspective that has the potential to heal, balance, and transform your life. Perhaps the most common type of mystical experience is the near death experience with somewhere between five and eighteen percent of … Read more

Near Death Experiences

  Do You Want to Have a Near Death Experience? Interviewing Near Death Experiences A Near Death Experience Tunnel Speaks Beverly’s Journey Into the Void A Past NDE Brings Healing Today An NDE Memory Helps a Survivor of Childhood Abuse Waters of Life Revive an NDE Using an NDE to Reconnect with Life Meeting Vajrayogini … Read more
