Confidence Snow Skiing
I am being told by two women that I can’t snow ski. I do. It is dusk. I plan only to ski down a gentle slope to a curve, about half a block, but it is so easy and I am having so much fun that I continue even though it is getting dark. Lots of fun! Jess is waiting down the road. I am pleased to tell him what I have just done. He is impressed.
Yesterday: Did a talk on “Dream Sociometry and the Future”. With Dina: I told her that next life I would like to snow ski. I am thinking about doing a book on dream sociometry. Building confidence at something new.
Preference Predictions
Most Accepting Character: Jess
Least Accepting Character: two women
Most Preferred Character: Dream Self
Most Rejected Character: Two women
Most Preferred Action: skiing
Most Rejected Action: none
Most Preferred Feeling: pleased
Most Rejected Feeling: none
Sociomatrix Commentary
Dream Self: I am succeeding. I overcome doubt and fear.
Two Women: We think he is being rash. But he does it!
Dusk: I make the snow look prettier
Jess: I am aligned with Dream Self, but signify success and ability to a greater degree.
Comment: I left the skis out of this one! There is a congruence between Dream Self and group member preferences in this life issue. The two women are not critical so much as neutral when viewed from the entirety of the dream. Self-doubt (being told that I can’t) seems to be the oppositional element and it is not very strong.
When I had this dream I was living in Little Rock. I learned to ski in my “next life’ in Arizona. I guess I learned to ski in more ways than one. I am thinking about family, financial, career successes.
Dream Commentary
If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it?
Two Women: I suppose we could be quiet and keep our opinions to ourselves.
Dusk: Never underestimate your abilities.
Jess: Assimilate my wisdom, caring, and ability to get things done.
Dream Self: I like all but the doubt and argument. I also had some fear of trespass.
Two women watch me as I snow ski for the first time. It is dusk. I plan only to ski down a gentle slope to a curve, about half a block, but it is so easy and I am having so much fun that I continue even though it is getting dark. Lots of fun! Jess is waiting down the road. I am pleased to tell him what I have just done. He is impressed and happy for me.
Waking Commentary
If you were this dreamer and were dealing with his waking issues – money, relationships, fears, career choices, physical health, and spiritual development – would you do anything differently? If so, what?
Two Women Forge ahead with your dreamwork. Let your enthusiasm and excitement overcome your self-doubts.
Dusk Let natural circumstances, not passing fears, dictate your timing.
Jess Keep up the good work with your dream research!
Dream Self Mush!!
Actual Preferences
Most Accepting Character: Dream Self
Least Accepting Character: Two women
Most Preferred Character: Dream Self
Most Rejected Character: none
Most Preferred Action: easy
Most Rejected Action: told I can’t
Most Preferred Feeling: pleased, impressed
Most Rejected Feeling: none
4 of 8: My waking insight into the concerns/needs of this dream group is poor.
Sociogram Commentary
There is little energy in this pattern. Preferences are either neutral or of one degree.
This is a thesis sociogram. The two women oppose Dream Self on both the acceptance and form axes. Doubt opposes a sense of ease. Implied is the idea that confidence in what comes natural will see me through.
On the acceptance axis, we may have an inner resistance to taking a risky course of action, despite the fact that I can do it and that I can succeed. This may be a manifestation of a conflict between meditation and dreamwork. I choose the interesting, the exciting of dreamwork over the clear nurturance of meditation.
On the form axis, Dream Self confidence and courage are most preferred.
The only block to synergism in this dream group involves that part of myself which doubts my ability to move forward on the process axis (told I can’t). The women themselves are not critical; the attitude itself has its place. What seems to be the problem is the time, way, and place in which doubt is expressed.
There are no feelings recorded in this dream narrative, although it is clear from the sociomatrix commentary that there were indeed several feelings that went unobserved or were minimized.