“Life is Ecstasy:” Sunny’s Crop Circle Interview


In another post, Interviewing Crop Circles, I explained that the purpose of crop circles for Integral Deep Listening is not to determine their ontological status, that is, whether they are real or fake, or their etiology, that is, who or what made them. Instead, it is to take a phenomenological approach to any experience, that is, to suspend such assumptions, projections, and interpretations, to the best of our ability, and practice listening to them in a deep and integral way. Might we, by so doing, access perspectives that include, yet transcend out own? If so, what might those perspectives reveal about how we can best go about healing, balancing, and transforming our lives?

Integral Deep Listening interviews of dream characters, life issues, and collective phenomena such as crop circles reveal perspectives that are personal and unique to the individual and yet contain truths and advice that is often collective and transpersonal. When someone like Sunny does her own interview of crop circles, we can compare perspectives and information to look for patterns that might point to broad, transformative aspects of crop circles.  Thank you very much, dear Sunny, for your thoughtful and inspirational interview!  A summary is followed by Sunny’s un-edited interview. (She is a native German speaker with very good but not perfect command of English.)

“This is not an interview about a personal dream, but more a dream of some consciousness that is greater than any man or the consciousness of any group of people: crop circles.  While they may all be clever hoaxes, we can still interview them as an expression of human experience. I am sometimes fascinated with crop circles – some of them feel so meaningful, but I don’t understand them. They also show me that we humans might be not the crown of creation, but just play a nice part in it. Not knowing everything and not being able to know everything makes me feel comforted, safe, and secure. I’m in my own place in the world – just mine, and that’s enough.”

Crop Circles: “I’m presenting myself to everyone in the world who wants to see, touch, and feel me for their use. Through your experience of me all the elements of your being are lifted up to a more open, receptive, and coherent way of being. We crop circles reach people on many levels, even the subconscious. Even when their conscious minds repel us (or reject our reality), the subconscious is impressed by our non-violent creativity, harmony, energy, power, expansion, and our unconditional presence, dispite what happens to us. We are a non-judgmental, life-enforcing presence. We have no weaknesses, we are just how we are meant to be.”

“We represent or personify Humanity’s greater consciousness; when humans relax and just receive they are so much more creative and able to step into knowingness about things, persons, situations in life and world. We evoke within humans a greater awareness of their own knowingness, grace, and understanding, from a point of view which is deeply connected on many levels with the entire world, including us. We also represent the ability of humanity to bring things into awareness those things which the mind doesn’t think are possible at all.”

“On a scale of zero to ten we score ourselves ten in confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, inner peace, and witnessing. We are ten in confidence because we know that we touch people and we evoke aspects in them that grow slowly and softly. We score ten in compassion because we allow people to be fully compassionate with themselves. If they are frightened they just cut us out of their thoughts and their awareness. It’s ok. If they are stunned by us they inhale us and all our gifts. In our presense they allow themselves to feel feelings that sometimes have not been felt since they were little children. We touch everyone according to how he or she is ready to receive us; Everyone can be accepted in his or her feelings and softly heal a little in our presence, becoming slowly used to the idea that there is something bigger than they are and that this is not dangerous, does not hurt, is fully present and never takes revenge when repressed, rejected, or ignored. Others feel compassion when we are rejected or ignored but they are able to be present with their sadness; they experience no reason to fight us or flee from us. We come back at other places as beautiful and peaceful as we were before. Everyone can take his or her own lessons and feelings, and connect with the feelings of others, to start to feel with others. We crop circles are doing a silent, soft and unconscious work that has great impact. You might understand it best as an impact by means of morphogenetic fields, as every person is somehow compassionate with herself and/or us and/or others without fighting or creating battles. They contribute to the field of compassion on earth.”

“Regarding wisdom, we also score ourselves ten because we integrate the opening in people to inner wisdom just by their perception of our forms and creative varieties, which gives a glimpse of the intelligence and thoughtfulness and depth behind our making. We just ARE what we are; we do not attempt to convince anyone with words, disputes, or by arguing. We just wake awareness and people understand according to their capacity. That is okay, because it is evolution.  We score ourselves ten in acceptance because, paradoxically, we are not about acceptance; we just ARE! We don’t know acceptance because we know that nothing that happens CAN ever be wrong, so what would be there to accept? If you want to consider joy instead of acceptance, we can say that we are about joy! We feel so much joy about the conditions people and mankind can resolve just by getting in touch with us. That’s beautifull and joyful.”

“We score ourselves ten in inner peace because our whole existence is peace. We even don’t kill the crops when lying them down; only the fake ones do. We even are at peace with this, but that would be another story. Those people who arefaking us are taking our energy in much more then they in their minds understand and are just acting weird in their resistance toward our true being. However, the act of faking us works them through their resistence without being aware of this process – so we aren’t only in peace about these fakes; we enjoy them! Regarding witnessing, we score ourselves ten because we are of very strong awareness and realize everything what happens to and through us. The way you see us with your eyes is just a part of our being, which accesses senses that you are not aware of and which are working worldwide on an informatory level. You might have had moments where you saw and understood and felt something happening far, far away from you, even on the other side of the earth; that gives you a glimpse of our ability to witness.”

“If humans, including Sunny, scored like we do, they would live and experience life much closer to its essence. They would be much more aware of the impact they make in the world. She would enjoy herself more and being confident in the process of herself and others. I would not change anything about the way humans choose to live. It changes by itself through the awareness of the evolving harmony and all the gifts revealed by evolving, expanding awareness, stillness, confidence and joy.”

“It is important for humans, including Sunny, to enjoy both the balances and imbalances of life, being aware and just watching them settle into place and harmonious rhythms, times, and places. As crop circles, we don’t react, so we fully interact through our energy from our essence.  In Sunny’s case we provide perspectives that are not distracted by violence, brutal actions, or injustice. We remain aware, connected with the needs behind all this. She would end suffering due to negative energy and be in a more healing presence for herself and others if we were in charge of her day-to-day consciousness. She would then have no fear what happens to herself, but instead feel safe, knowing that nothing happens which is not meant to happen and happens if it is meant to. She would just be herself and wouldn’t worry if we were her. We possess the openness she seeks. By living from our perspective she would find and enjoy inner peace, stillness, strength, and the capability notonly to do what’s necessary, but to do it with great confidence and a kind of mastery.”

“If we were in charge of the consciousness of humans we would focus on an awareness of what a miracle all the world is, and to experience grace through feeling and understanding joy in being part of it. We would also have humans focus their awareness more on all the interactions that happen just in being oneself. To be more and do less. We would also have humans enjoy the ecstasy of just being and living in this highly energetic awareness.”

“Looking out at life and in at themselves from our perspective would be beneficial for humans at any at all times. We do not do drama because it is not our essence or “personality.”  We aren’t in shock, needy or experiencing the pains and suffering that are necessary to cause drama. We have the grace of living in a space where we feel no pain and do not have any needs. We serve your evolution; we don’t fight or put up resistance to anything, even things you might classify as nasty behavior (cutting us, hiding us…) due to our awareness that knows that there is no such thing like “bad” people or “bad” behavior, but just evolution and misunderstandings. Due to our joy in observing human evolutionary processes toward more understanding and consciousness. You can’t hurt us by threatening our physical appearance. So don’t worry about humanity doing drama. As you heal it will end. As long as you experience drama try to get connected to your true needs and work to meet them, because drama happens when you are not connected with your true needs and can’t meet them. Drama also separates you from your gratefulness, which protects you from further pain. When you do drama, concentrate on your breath. Try to let the feelings hidden behind shocks enter into your awareness in order to heal the wounds and meet your needs. That’s what we crop circles did in our own evolution when we still had needs and pains and wounds. Mankind is approaching its healing in many ways. We contribute to this process with our appearance and resources; everything is all right. Drama is a chance, a symptom in a healing process. There is nothing wrong with it; you will learn to understand, heal and overcome it one day, but this needs a few further lifetimes. It’s on its way, as scheduled….”

“The purpose for our presence within the consciousness of humanity is to reconnect mankind with an expanded, greater perspective, and with awarenesses and experiences of its grace and gifts, as well as to comfort humans when they forget about all of this by becoming overwhelmed, misunderstanding, and being threatened just as they are opening up. To heal the pains, watch such experiences from my perspective, letting them pass from your inner world. From healing to healing you will forget my perspective less. It will become an instant healing process and habit.”

“As with many other humans, Sunny feels that Crop Circles awaken her to a greater perspective toward life, its joyfulness, its perfect evolution, quality, to her own strengths when she transcends pain and suffering, and to the joy of such interactions,…”

In summary of what she heard herself say, Sunny said, “I can access points of view that are connected with transcendent perspectives. Humans can live from such a perspective toward life and enjoy it, being confident, peaceful and taking right action so life finds a well-balanced flow and humans can enjoy most experiences just by feeling them and trusting them deeply from the awareness of evolutionary processes. Remember – life is ecstasy…”

When we compare and contrast this interview and that found at Interviewing Crop Circles, it is clear that they contain elements that transcend the interests of any one person. Beyond that, they contain elements that are not personal at all and provide perspectives that are not reducible to normal human categories of physical, mental, spiritual, social, culture, political, historical, sociological, philosophical, psychological, and so forth. They include, yet clearly transcend and encompass, all such categories. By doing so, they provide a window on the trajectory of the evolving consciousness of humanity: beyond identification with any of these categories to perspectives that transcend drama, suffering, confusion, and pain.

Here is the transcript of Sunny’s interview:

What are three fundamental life issues that you are dealing with now in your life?

  1. Live balanced .
  2. Reacting from my essence, heart
  3. Being open for results of my efforts and appreciate success (feel it, believe it’s true, not making my part of it small, when it’s a team-success).

Tell me a dream you remember.  It can be an old one, a repetitive dream, a nightmare, or one that you’re sure you understand.

I quote because the topic is the crop circles: It’s not a personal dream, but more a dream of some consciousness that is greater than any man or the consciousness of any group of people: crop circles.  While they may all be clever hoaxes, we can still interview them as an expression of human experience.

Why do you think that you had this dream?

I am sometimes fascinated of the crop circles – some of them feel so meaningfull but I don’t understand anything. They also show me that we humans might be not the crown of creation but just a nice part in it. Not knowing everything and not being able to know everything. Makes me feel comforted and feel safe and secure. I’m on my place – just mine. That’s enough.

If it were playing at a theater, what name would be on the marquee?

Listening to Crop Circles

These are the characters in the dream…

Crop Circles, Farmland, Sky.  Energy of the crop circles, some higher Conscousness – responsible for the existence of the Crop Circles, Humanity (drawn in their attention to them)…

If one character had something especially important to tell you, what would it be?

It comes up to me: the Sky – I’d like what it witnesses relating to crop circles… I’ll dream this … I’m going to interview the Crop Circle ;).

Now remember how as a child you liked to pretend you were a teacher or a doctor?  It’s easy and fun for you to imagine that you are this or that character in your dream and answer some questions I ask, saying the first thing that comes to your mind.  If you wait too long to answer, that’s not the character answering – that’s YOU trying to figure out the right thing to say!

Crop Circle, would you please tell me about yourself and what you are doing?

I’m presenting myself for everyone who wants to see and touch and feel me. I’m for the use of everyone who watches or gets in touch with me. All the elements of your being are lifted up to a more open, receptive, and also coherent way of being.

What do you like most about yourself? What are your strengths?

We reach people in many levels even the subconsciousnes. Might their mind repell us, the subconsciousness is impressed by our non-violent creativity, harmony, energy, power, expansion,… and our uncondicional presence dispite what happens to us. We are just non judging life-enforcing presense.

What do you dislike most about yourself? Do you have weaknesses?  What are they?

No, weaknesses – we are just how we are meant to be.

Crop Circles, you are in Sunny’s life experience, correct?   Crop Circles, what aspect of Sunny do you represent or most closely personify?

Her greater consciousness – when she relaxes and just receives she is so much more creative and able to step into knowingness about things, persons, situations in life and world. We remember her aspect of knowingness, grace, understanding from a point of view which is deeply connected on many levels with all her world even us. We also represent her aspect of being able to bring things into presence which mind doesn’t think are possible (at all or for her but she had those experiences)

Crop Circles, if you could be anywhere you wanted to be and take any form you desired, would you change?  If so, how?


(Continue, answering as the transformed object, if it chose to change.)

Crop Circles, how would you score yourself 0-10, in confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, peace of mind, and witnessing?  Why?

Confidence: 10 We know that we touch people and we remember apects in them that just grow slowly and softly. .

Compassion:   10 We allow people to be fully compationate with themselves – if they are frightened they just cut us. It’s ok. If they are stunned they inhale us and all our gifts and in our presense they allow themselves to feel feelings the sometimes felt at last as little children. We touch everyone how he is ready to receive us and everyone can be accepted in his or her feelings – and softly heal a little in our presense – getting softly used that there is something bigger than they are and that this is not dangerous, does not hurt, is fully present and never takes revenge when sent away (cut). Other people feel compassion when we are cut but just can be with the sadness – there is no reason to fight or flee. We come back at other places as beautifull and peacefull as the other times. Everyone can take his lesson of feelings and connect with the feelings and start to feel with others… we are doing a silent soft and unconscious work but of great impact. You might understand it best as an impact by means of morphogenetic field – as every person is somehow compassionate with herself and/or us and/or others without fighting or making up battles they contribute to the field of compassion on earth.

Wisdom: 10 We are of great wisdom because we integrate the opening in people to inner wisdom just by our forms and making of which gives a glimpse of the intelligence and thoughtfulness and depth behind our making. We just ARE this not convincing anyone in words or disputes or by arguing – we just wake awareness and people just understand (more or less, but this is okay, it’s evolution) .

Acceptance: 10 We are not about acceptance – we just ARE – we don’t know NO acceptance because we know that nothing that happens CAN ever be wrong so what would be there to accept. If you want to put joy instead of acceptance – we are about joy – we feel so much joy about the processes people and mankind absolve just by getting in touch somehow with us. That’s beautifull and joyfull.

Inner Peace: 10 our whole existence is peace we even don’t kill the crop when lying it down (only the fake ones do – but we even are in peace with this but that would be another story – to make a long story short: those people faking us are taking our energy in much more then they in their minds understand and just act somehow weird in their resistance towards our true being but faking us is working them through their resistence without being aware of this process – so we aren’t only in peace we enjoy

Witnessing:   10 – we are of very strong awareness and realize everything what happens to and through us – they way you see us with your eyes is just a part of our being which contents senses that you are not aware of and which are working worldwide on an informatory level. You might have had moments where you saw and understood and felt something happening far far away from you even on the other side of the earth – that gives you a glimpse of our ability to witness.

Crop Circles, if you scored tens in all six of these qualities, would you be different?  If so, how?

I am and there is nothing to change about us.

How would Sunny’s life be different if he/she naturally scored like you do in all six of these qualities all the time?

She would life much more from here essence and being aware of the impact she makes in the world. She would enjoy herself more and being confident in the process of herself and others.

If you could live Joseph’s life for him, how would you live it differently?

I would not change anything – it would change itself by the awareness of the evolving harmony and all the gift revealed by the greater awareness, stillness, confidence and joy.

If you could live Sunny’s waking life for her today, would you handle her three life issues differently?  If so, how?

  1. Enjoy balances and imbalances, being aware and just watch them settle into place and harmonious rhythms and times and places.
  2. We don’t react just be and end being in your world – so we fully interact in our energy from our essence – in Sunny’s case we wouldn’t be distracted by violence or brutal actions or injustice or those things – we just keep staying aware connected with the needs behind all this – she would end suffering on the negative energys and being in a more healing presence for herself and others if we where at her place. No fear what happens to herself but being safe because knowing that nothing happens which is not meant to happen and happens if it is meant to – so she would just be herself and wouldn’t worry is we where her… .
  3. We have this openness and would enjoy and find inner peace, stillness, strength and the capability only to do what’s necessary but to do this with great confidence and kind of mastery

What three life issues would you focus on if you were in charge of her life?

  1. Awareness of the miracles all the world is, grace of feeling and understanding, joy of being part of it
  2. Awareness of all the interactions that happen just in being oneself and be more and do less
  3. Enjoying exstasy of just being and living in this highly energetic awareness.

In what life situations would it be most beneficial for Sunny to imagine that she is you and act as you would?

Every moment.

Crop Circles, do you do drama?  If not, why not?

No. No reason – if you need one – it’s not our essence and “personality” – we aren’t in shocks, needs or pains or suffering that are necessary to cause drama.

What is your secret for staying out of drama?

We have the grace of living in a space where we feel no pain and needs and all this. We fully agree because we serve your evolution and we don’t resist to anything even things you might classify as nasty behavior (cut us, hide us…) – due to our awareness that knows that there is no such thing like “bad” people or “bad” behavior but just evolution and misunderstandings and due to our joy seeing peoples evolutionary processes to more understanding, consciousness. You can’t hurt us by threatening our physical appearance. So don’t worry about your race doing drama. As you heal it will end – as long as it appears try to get connected to the needs – drama happens when you are not connected with your true needs and can’t meet them. This also seperates you from your gratefulness which bewares you from further pain. Concentrate on feeling when you do drama, breathe, try to let come the feelings hidden behind shocks and heel the wounds, meet the needs – that’s what we did in the state of evolution we still knew needs and pains and wounds… Mankind is approaching to its healing in many ways – we also contribute to this process with our appearance and resources – everything is allright – drama is a chance – a symptom in healing process – nothing wrong with it – you will learn to understand, heel and overcome it and one day but this needs few further lifetimes… it’s on its way like scheduled….

Why do you think that you are in Sunny’s life?

To reconnect her with her greater perspective and her awareness, her experiences of grace, her gifts and to comfort her, when she forgot about all this.

How is Heidrun Sunny most likely to ignore what you are saying to him?

Becoming overwhelmed by misunderstanding and being accused or threatened when just opening up.

What would you recommend that she do about that?

Going to the situation later on, let it pass in her inner world and watching it from my perspective. Heal the pains. From healing to healing she will forget my perspective less. It will become an instant healing process and habitute.

I think Heidrun Sunny had this desire to interview me, Crop Circles because

She feels that Crop Circles remember her to the greater perspective of life, to it’s joyfulness, to its perfect evolution, to it’s quality, to her own strengths when she transcends pain and sufferings and to the joy of such interactions,… .

What have you heard yourself say?

You have a part that is connected with the greater perspective. You can life from there and enjoy life and being confident, peacefull and doing the right actions – so your life finds it’s well balanced flow and you can enjoy close to every experience that occurs just by feeling them and trusting them deeply from the awareness of evolutionary processe if not joyfull anyway….

If this experience were a wake-up call from the most central part of who you are, what do you think it would be saying to you?

Remember – life is exstacy… .


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