Listening to a UFO Invasion Dream



A “myth” is an explanation of reality that gives life meaning and purpose.  All systems of belief are myths, including humanism, empiricism, and the idea of enlightenment.  It is only in historical retrospect, or from the perspective of a non-believer, that a given explanation is seen as false.


One of the most compelling myths of the modern world is that of extraterrestials and UFOs.  It has an urgency, immediacy, and fascination, and it is supported by real world factual data points that keep it alive and cogent.  As an expression of the mass mind dream of humanity, the UFO myth forces us to question our basic assumptions about who we are, what is real, and what our destiny is as a species. Are we destined to be invaded and crushed, or will we transform?  This core question, the fear and the hope of mankind, is expressed in the following dream and interview summary. The interview (with a student of IDL) that follows it elucidates many of the core issues of what we have to learn from man’s fascination with UFOs.


The student of Integral Deep Listening said, “I was looking at flying objects that were coming.  Then I became myself.  A very sophisticated flying craft landed. Out of it came very tall, non-emotional people that reminded me of Nazis.  They came from outer space.  I thought “This is it!  We are powerless!”


“I think it may be a collective dream.  I stay away from UFO’s as a subject.  I don’t think it was my dream.  It’s as if this is how we would feel if invaders came from outer space.”


Is this an individual dream or a collective dream of humanity or both? Is this a dream about the future of personal or species existence as oppressed? If this dream had a title, the dreamer thought is should be, “Soul’s pain,” because from now on life will be oppressive.”


“I would like to interview the tall person who was so non-emotional and was there with a mission to conquer us.  He was not relating to us.


Interviewing the alien, he said, “Everything is new.   I’m not familiar with any of this. I like that I am powerful!  I can do anything. Look at me – I’m here! My weaknesses are that my flesh is not forever.  I really haven’t thought about that.  I just see me going and doing when I focus.  I’m very determined.  I feel like I am invincible.”


“With my energy I can get into any form that I want.  I know that I have that ability but I’m very happy with how I look now. I’m powerful and omnipotent.  I am higher than all the creatures that I see. I would score myself a ten in confidence, witnessing, and wisdom, because I’m very intelligent. However, I do not know how I score in inner peace, because I cannot relate to that. I would score myself a five in acceptance, because I accept where I come from and myself.  I’m here to explore.  I’m here to find out. I only score myself two in compassion because I care only about myself, where I come from and my people.  I am here on a mission. I don’t want to be different.  I need to be the way I am.  I cannot relate to those other qualities.  I would be one of those creatures perhaps.  I see them as less evolved than myself.”


“If this dreamer saw the world as I see it she would see it as a whole.  It would be a good skill to develop.  She would be able to elevate herself to see things as we do. Humans could travel as we travel.  That would allow them to see and experience the infinite.  We are here to see if these creatures can evolve.  To see if they are worth our  time.  I don’t know if this dreamer is worth our time.  Maybe our reality is too vast for her.  We want to see if it is proper for humans to get into a different way of seeing life. We don’t know if they are so afraid that this fear will cause more harm.  If they don’t want it our way, fine.”


“Regarding her life issues, I don’t know what to do with her health.  I am there to take from them. A lot of them will be paralyzed by their fear.  They are falling like flies.  If they weren’t, we would invite them into this place that we have prepared for the fearless.  We have this place underneath the sea, very well camouflaged. That’s how we study everything around us.   Every now and then we fly out and some people see us.  The Earth is not forever.  These human beings are a threat to the rest of us.  If they destroy themselves it will create peace for us.”


“I don’t know or care about her health or her career.  I think she should focus on us and communication with us through her mind.  If she was willing to go that way she will wake up to how we want humanity to grow.  If she was willing to go toward communicating as we do she will awaken to her potential.  We are here to see how awakened humans can be.  She sees us as Nazis.  We are very quick, clean and well put together.  That is reflected in how we dress.  We are here to study humans to learn how their brains work so that we can save this part of the universe.”


“I can get into these creatures if I want to.  We want to influence them so that they evolve toward enlightenment.  She needs to become me when she feels totally not connected.  If humans were to tap into that connection they would be fearless.  All of these creatures would learn how to be fearless.  She wouldn’t be afraid of other creatures and other possibilities of life.  She would be in a different state of consciousness. This world would not be so much into those lower energies of fear and anger.  She would be one of those evolving into the new world.  She would be enlightened.  She would be part of the solution instead part of the problem.”


“I have come to her to awaken her and have her face whatever it is that she feels and so that I can see what she is made of.  I think she is becoming fearless.  I am here to see the whole thing.  If she happens to tap into my consciousness, that would be good.”


“She is most likely to ignore me by regarding me as a fantasy.  She doesn’t want to believe in non-ordinary creatures.  She’s terrified. She thinks that we will destroy everything.  We are here to destroy ignorance.  Enough is enough.”


When this student was asked what she heard herself say, she said, “There are evolved humanoids that don’t care about our selves as human beings.  They care about what we do that is threatening to the rest of the universe.  I like that their intentions are for the greater good.  They want to awaken in us our potential to use our marvelous brain to embrace the whole universe so we are less selfish so we will embrace all the good instead of fighting with each other.  They support the development of mind field communication. If this experience were a wake-up call from my inner compass, it would be telling me, “Dare to be free!”


Notice how something so overwhelmingly other and incomprehensible is instinctively met with a fear that warps and misperceives intention and purpose. This is a fundamental problem that we have not only with dream interpretation but life interpretation. We typically do this with others when we take things personally, when we take what they say or do as being about ourselves rather than about them.


Notice that she totally misinterpreted the nature of the alien because she did not have enough data and was interpreting that which she had in terms of her world view, emotions, and assumptions, instead of practicing deep listening in an integral sort of way. Notice how profoundly both meaning and appropriate action change. Meaning changes from fear of oppression to hope for evolution, development, and enlightenment. Appropriate action changes from defensiveness to receptivity, learning, and growth.


Is this dream the subjective experience of one dreamer or is it a collective statement about mankind?  Is it personal or collective?  Is it about fear or hope?  Is it about an internal, subjective experience, or an external, objective reality?  Notice how Nina’s understanding of her experience grew and transformed as she became that which she feared.  Notice how she began to see how she could claim the foreign and frightening potentials that were being presented to her by an overpowering presence.


How you understand your experience makes all the difference; whether you are lucid or not, you are trapped within your frame of reference. When you listen to the “other,” whether it be in a dream or your waking dream, you expand your consciousness. You heal, balance, and transform. You wake up. You become enlightened.


What do you think? Please share your thoughts, comments, and questions.


Here is the transcript of this interview:


What are three fundamental life issues that you are dealing with now in your life?








Tell me a dream you remember.  It can be an old one, a repetitive dream, a nightmare, or one that you’re sure you understand.


First I was the observer. I was looking at flying objects that were coming.  Then I became myself.  A very sophisticated flying craft landed. Out of it came very tall, non-emotional people that reminded me of Nazis.  They came from outer space.  I thought “This is it!  We are powerless!”


Why do you think that you had this dream?


I think it may be a collective dream.  I stay away from UFO’s as a subject.  I don’t think it was my dream.  It’s as if this is how we would feel if invaders came from outer space.


If it were playing at a theater, what name would be on the marquee?


Soul’s pain.  From now on life will be oppressive.


If one character had something especially important to tell you, which would it be?


The tall person who was so non-emotional and was there with a mission to conquer us.  He was not relating to us.


Man, would you please tell me what you look like and what you are doing?


Everything is new.   I’m not familiar with any of this.


What do you like most about yourself? What are your strengths?


I’m powerful!  I can do anything. Look at me – I’m here!


What do you dislike most about yourself? Do you have weaknesses?  What are they?


My weaknesses are that my flesh is not forever.  I really haven’t thought about that.  I just see me going and doing when I focus.  I’m very determined.  I feel like I am invincible.


Man, you are in this person’s life experience, correct?  They created you, right?_____  Man, what aspect of this person do you represent or most closely personify?


I have no idea.


Man, if you could be anywhere you wanted to be and take any form you desired, would you change?  If so, how?


With my energy I can get into any form that I want.  I know that I have that ability but I’m very happy with how I look now. I’m powerful and omnipotent.  I am higher than all the creatures that I see.


Man, how would you score yourself 0-10, in confidence, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, peace of mind, and witnessing?  Why?




Compassion: 2  I care only about myself, where I come from and my people.  I am here on a mission.


Wisdom:10     I am very intelligent, that’s for sure.


Acceptance: 5     I accept where I come from and myself.  I’m here to explore.  I’m here to find out.


Inner Peace: ?     I cannot relate to that




Man, if you scored tens in all six of these qualities, would you be different?  If so, how?


I don’t want to be different.  I need to be the way I am.  I cannot relate to those other qualities.  I would be one of those creatures perhaps.  I see them as less evolved than myself.


How would the life of the person who created you be different if he/she naturally scored high in all six of these qualities all the time?


I don’t care how she scores.


If you could live the life of the person who created you for him/her, how would you live it differently?


If Nina saw the world as I see it she would see it as a whole.  It would be a good skill to develop.  She would be able to elevate herself to see things as we do. Humans could travel as we travel.  That would allow them to see and experience the infinite.  We are here to see if these creatures can evolve.  To see if they are worth our  time.  I don’t know if Nina is worth our time.  Maybe our reality is too vast for her.  We want to see if it is proper for humans to get into a different way of seeing life. We don’t know if they are so afraid that this fear will cause more harm.  If they don’t want it our way, fine.


If you could live this person’s waking life for him/her today, would you handle his/her three life issues differently?  If so, how?


I don’t know what to do with her health.  I am there to take from them. A lot of them will be paralyzed by their fear.  They are falling like flies.  If they weren’t, we would invite them into this place that we have prepared for the fearless.  We have this place underneath the sea, very well camouflaged. That’s how we study everything around us.   Every now and then we fly out and some people see us.  The Earth is not forever.  These human beings are a threat to the rest of us.  If they destroy themselves it will create peace for us.


What three life issues would you focus on if you were in charge of his/her life?


I don’t know or care about her health or her career.  I think she should focus on us and communication through her mind.  If she was willing to go that way she will wake up to how we want humanity to grow.  If she was willing to go toward communicating as we do she will awaken to her potential.  We are here to see how awakened humans can be.  She sees us as Nazis.  We are very quick, clean and well put together.  That is reflected in how we dress.  We are here to study humans to learn how their brains work so that we can save this part of the universe.


In what life situations would it be most beneficial for this person to imagine that they are you and act as you would?


I can get into these creatures if I want to.  We want to influence them so that they evolve toward enlightenment.  She needs to become me when she feels totally not connected.  If humans were to tap into that connection they would be fearless.  All of these creatures would learn how to be fearless.  She wouldn’t be afraid of other creatures and other possibilities of life.  She would be in a different state of consciousness. This world would not be so much into those lower energies of fear and anger.  She would be one of those evolving into the new world.  She would be enlightened.  She would be part of the solution instead part of the problem.


Why do you think that you are in this person’s life?


To awaken her and have her face whatever it is that she feels. To see what she is made of.  I think she is becoming fearless.  I am here to see the whole thing.  If she happens to tap into my consciousness that would be good.


How is this person most likely to ignore what you are saying to them?


She would regard me as a fantasy.  She doesn’t want to believe in non-ordinary creatures.  She’s terrified. She thinks that we will destroy everything.  We are here to destroy ignorance.  Enough is enough.


What have you heard yourself say?


There are evolved humanoids that don’t care about our selves as human beings.  They care about what we do that is threatening to the rest of the universe.  I like that their intentions are for the greater good.  They want to awaken in us our potential to use our marvelous brain to embrace the whole universe so we are less selfish so we will embrace all the good instead of fighting with each other.  The development of the mind field communication.


If this experience were a wake-up call from your soul, what do you think it would be saying to you?


Dare to be free!




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