Miraculous Flight


Miraculous Flight


I am in a small plane with Jess and a lady.  I am the pilot.  We are taking off from inside a building.  I am to fly through a window in the end of the room.  We are low.  Jess tells me to climb by pulling up on the stick.  I pull too much.  We head toward the ceiling.  I am afraid that we will crash. But we miraculously do a complete loop and make it out the window.  I land the plane softly; almost helicopter style, among people outside the building.  Later I am looking at the building and the window with Carol Boykin.  The window is too small.  There is no way I could have fit the plane through the opening.

In the same area a professional sky diver or parachutist had just been killed in a jump.


Sociomatrix Commentary

Dream Self:  I am not qualified to pilot a small plane, especially not from inside a building.  I suppose I would fly: takeoff and land with Jess’ supervision.   Out of anxiety and fear of failure I overreact.  I am flying where I experience unnatural restraint.  I am attempting too much in too small a space.  I get us through the window all by myself, but I don’t know how.  The people should have been hazards.  They weren’t.

Jess: I like him but he’s overly ambitious sometimes.  I used poor judgment choosing to take off in here.  I knew better.  I don’t know how he did it.  He amazes me, what he can pull off.

Lady:  I really like him and I’m glad he’s got the guts to do it.  I have trust and confidence that he can fly this thing.  If he will just take off from wherever he is, he will find his way.  I knew he would do it.  His rational mind just doesn’t understand.

Small Plane: I think they’ll take care of me.  Together, the three of them are an unbeatable combination.  I’m proud of him.

Ceiling:  I’m glad he didn’t hit me but he was thoughtless. I am a real limit he must respect.

Window:   I am not too small.  I am just right.  I allow freedom.

People:  Is this turkey trying to impress us?

Carol Boykin:  I don’t understand how he did that.

Comment:  How am I trying to “take off” inside:  In what ways do I feel inexperienced?  Meditation/my work.

 Dream Commentary

If you could change this dream in any way that you wanted, as long as it respected the rights of all fellow dream group members, how would you change it? 

Dream Self:  Take off outside

Jess:  Same.

Lady: Same, but with the understanding that you will always survive, regardless of how out of control, powerless, or limited you feel, no matter how irrational survival may seem.

Small Plane:  Sometimes you just have to trust and go ahead.

Ceiling: Take off outside!

Window:  Take off outside.  Use me for seeing, for light, for air – not for flying!

People:   We don’t care.

Carol Boykin:  Take off outside.


I am in a small plane with Jess and a lady.  I am the pilot.  We are taking off on a runway outside a building.   Jess tells me to climb by pulling up on the stick.  We do a complete loop and make it out the window.  I land the plane sofly, almost helicopter style, among people outside the building.  Later I am looking at the building and the window with Carol Boykin.

Waking Commentary

     If you were this dreamer and were dealing with his waking issues – money, relationships, fears, career choices, physical health, spiritual development – would you do anything differently?  If so, what? 

Jess:  If you want your intuition to help you, you have to trust it.

Lady:  You very ambitiously like to fly in your thoughts and in your meditations, but you do so without proper preparation or consideration.   Nevertheless, you succeed.  If we did not show you that it is possible, you might never try.  Be wreckless and daring.  You cannot die!

Small Plane:  I’m pretty agile.  I’ll take you where you want to go!  Use me more! You do so when you meditate, pray, give thanks, think creatively, and feel joy.

Ceiling: Respect limits, but don’t be intimidated by them. They can’t hurt you.

Window:  There is always a way out of any jam that you are in; if you will head toward the light – clarity, openness – when you feel trapped by your thoughts in meditation or by circumstances, you will be free.

People:  Keep on flying.

Carol Boykin: Same

Action Plan

review on:                 M          T           W         TH          F           S            S

trust in intuition today?

wreckless & daring in flight?

flight: joy, creativity, thankfulness

head toward the “window”



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