by Jane Sandwood
Using IDL to Help Your Studies
In 2017, over two million students took the American College Test. According to the latest report from ACT, the national average ACT composite score for the year was 21.0 on a 1 to 36 scale. If getting into college is important to you to attain your goals in life, the higher you score on the ACT the more options you will have when it comes to your choice of school. Additionally, a high score could help you gain a merit scholarship, if this is something that you want to work towards.
The problem that many people have with their studies is, with the many portable distractions that are available, such as smartphones and tablets, it’s very easy to lose focus and concentration. This is something that Integral Deep Listening (IDL) may help you with, by helping you identify and work towards priorities for your growth and development. IDL can help you make the right choices in terms of your education in terms of what and where to study, so that you can make an easy transition from high school to the next stage of your life.
Identifying Your Priorities
You can use IDL to identify your own life goals, rather than those imposed by the society you live in, or your culture. If gaining a college degree is necessary for you to be able to achieve those goals, getting grades that are good enough to get you into your chosen school is going to be important.
Working Towards Your Own Goals
Once you know what you want to do in the long term, and what and where you want to study, you can start to work your way towards achieving your goals. Have a look at the ACT score you need to get into your chosen college and identify any areas where you could use help or more practice. Practice tests can be a great way for you to get used to the type of questions that may come up.
In terms of where you are mentally, you can use IDL to work through any issues that may be hampering your studies, such as fear or anxiety. You could also combine it with other techniques such as meditation and mindfulness which have been shown to enhance powers of concentration and lower stress levels, that can increase rapidly during exam season. In fact, as reported by Alice Walton in Forbes, meditation has even been shown to increase the gray matter in the brain in areas such as learning and memory processes.
If, having identified your own goals, you want to work towards a place in higher education, you can start to take steps towards getting there. Using a process such as IDL can help you make the right choices for your future on your own terms, and allay any fears and anxieties you may have. Working towards goals that you have set for yourself can be a truly fulfilling and rewarding experience.