Jungian Psychology and Integral Deep Listening

  Jungian Psychology Integral Deep Listening Therapy is necessary Practitioners do not diagnose or treat; they support access to emerging potentials, the application of their recommendations and teach tools for waking up. The goal of treatment is individuation, the integration of opposites Goal is a life directed by the priorities of life, not God, Self … Read more

Meditation as Sky

When you practice becoming perspectives that transcend, yet include your own you grow into closer contact with your own inner compass, your own unique path forward. This helps you to learn to get out of your own way quicker and to not waste precious time on detours or paths that are not authentically your own.

Awakening Kundalini

Access to kundalini, as a particularly important and valuable personal power source, is a result of choosing to identify with it in practical and effective ways on a routine, day in, day out basis. A little bit of effective identification, whether during meditation or other times, is better than a lot of sitting that involves mental games and distractions.
