The Black Hole of Guilt

Sometimes your self-aspects are immature, selfish, controlling, and don’t want to change.  They have run the show for years and aren’t going to go away just because you want them to.  In this example, guilt has controlled and limited this lady’s self-esteem and had a major negative impact on her relationship with her family and … Read more

Transcending the Suffering of Drama with Meditative Witnessing

Don’t waste much time with dreaming dreams of victimization. Look for a way out of the drama. Some IDL dream interviews emphasize healing. Others emphasize balance. Others emphasize transformation. This one emphasizes all three.

Is Your Critical Self Talk Ruining Your Life?

The devil part of Luna thinks she is stupid to allow herself to be scared by it. It sees the proper response as self-confidence and to give up playing the victim. It makes clear that it represents her own highly self-critical self-talk that makes her wrong and scared. It recommends that she just ignore her self-critical self-talk. If she does, it predicts that it will go away.

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